D. M. Canright
There are still many people who rely on the writings of
this individual to disparage both Ellen White and the Truths of Adventism.
You deserve to know how he came to write what he wrote and what happened in
his own life.
A phantom is something like a mirage. It may seem
mysteriously inviting, but what it offers isn’t really there.
According to our Divine Captain, it was a deceptive
craft, with worm-eaten timbers which would eventually flounder on the rocks
(5 Testimonies, 571-573, written to Canright).
Canright boarded that ship anyway; and it led him into something
terrible. But just now, let us go back to the early 1800’s, to the
beginning of the story.
In late 1831 Hiram and Loretta Canright
moved to an eighty-acre farm near Kinderhook in southern Michigan. Soon after, their first
son, Dudley Marvin, was born. The date was September 22, 1840. Nineteen years later, in
1859, Dudley went to live with an uncle near Albion, New York so that he could attend
school. And that spring he began working for a Seventh-day Adventist farmer and minister,
Roswell F. Cottrell. While working in the cornfield together, young Dudley learned about
the Sabbath truth and the Third Angels Message.
That summer, following a tent effort held
by James White not far from Albion, he accepted the Advent Message and was baptized soon
after by Elder Cottrell. Canrights first convert was his mother, for thrilled with
the message, he hurried home to share it with his family. She remained true to the Advent
Message to her death. Remaining on the farm for a time he helped with the work, and then
when about 21, he traveled the nearly forty miles north to Battle Creek to talk with Elder
James White about entering the ministry. Elder White gave him a Bible and a set of
prophecy charts and he went out and began preaching. Later, Elder White raised money for a
library for the young evangelist.
Present truth looks clearer and
more beautiful to us the more we study it. . Praise the Lord for a religion that
agrees with the Bible, common sense, and the wants of man," he wrote to the
"Review and Herald, as he held evangelistic series up and down the state of Michigan
[Review, Nov. 8, 1864]. On May 29, 1865, D. M. Canright was ordained by James White and J
N. Loughborough, in a service held at Battle Creek. He was 24 years of age.
In the middle of 1866, Canright began
evangelistic work in New England, but found the territory so conservative that frequently
he had but little fruit. It was during this period that certain weaknesses in
Canrights character began to reveal themselves. Following an apparent failure in the
work, or a supposed slight by another, a deep discouragement would come over him that
could go on for weeks and even months. Doubts about the existence of God would sweep over
his mind. At times he came close to outright atheism.
But then success in his work and
the encouragement of his brethren would waft aside the gloom and cheerfulness would once
again return. In his private diary for 1867 he wrote of his struggles with pride,
self-exaltation and a spirit of harshness toward others. He declared that he was
spiritually sick and feared that God had forever forsaken him. The thought tortured him
that perhaps he was eternally lost.
A good portion of 1866 and 1867 were
passed amid such gloomy and morose feelings, although oddly enough it was in 1867 that his
life was brightened with the happiness of marriage. On April 11, he married 19-year old
Lucretia Cranson. (Earlier, when her parents died prematurely, she was raised by the
George Amadon family in Battle Creek. Often the three orphan girls were befriended by
Ellen White.)
Back in New England again, Canright pushed
hard at evangelism. But there were difficulties. Something of a driver, he did not
understand why his frail wife could not keep up with all that he demanded of her as a busy
evangelists wife. But Lucretia devotedly did her best to please. "For myself, I
never felt so much confidence in the third angels message as now; I never prized the
gifts as now, never loved Gods tried servants as now.Review, Nov. 12, 1867.
1868 marked the emergence of what would
prove to be one of Canrights cleverest abilitiesa talent for debate. He
handled them so well that soon fellow evangelists called for him to hold debates in their
areas, as the need arose. It is thought that early in his career he worked with, and
learned to debate from, the brilliant Adventist minister, Moses Hull, who, as you may
know, was so certain of his abilities that he took on spiritualists in public debates and
as an outcome was later to be drawn into the depths of spiritualism by them. [Read 1T
426-39, 442-3; 2T 625; and 3T 212 for more on Elder Hulls fall.]
After the death of their second child,
they moved west and Canright began work under Elder George I. Butler, president of the
Iowa Conference. The two men would work together for a number of years, both in Iowa and
elsewhere. By now, Canright was serving on important conference committees. And soon he
was recognized as the champion debater of the conference.
But in the midst of so much success, once
again the strange flaw came to the surface. It was December of 1869. Canright, now 29, was
holding evangelistic meetings in Monroe, Iowa and forty had taken their stand. On Tuesday
evening, the 28th, flushed with success from a debate won that night, he returned to his
hotel room. Elder Butler had attended the debate and following it, walked with Canright to
the hotel for he planned to lodge there that night also.
But before retiring, he was astounded
to hear Canright But before retiring, he was astounded
to hear Canright confessing to him that he was on the verge of atheism. Powerful waves
of temptation to give up all religion pressed over him. Impulses to renounce his belief in
Scripture and go into outright infidelity were almost more than he could handle, he told
Butler that evening. All night long, without sleep, the two men talked and prayed.
Butler reported that in the morning Canright appeared more calm and possessed.
A few weeks
later, at the General Conference session in Battle Creek, he made some confessions and
seemed to feel better. Immediately, he pushed himself even harder in new evangelistic
meetings in Iowa. As he went, he took Lucretia with him, although by that time they had a
house in Monroe. Life was hard for his little wife. After her death, he was to call her a
"saint" for what she had gone through. Four years later they were to sell it,
their first home. It had been hardly lived in.
"Looking over the past year,
shame, sorrow, and regret fill my heart that I did not stand the test better. Thank God,
probation still continues. My health is good and strong. "--Review, Jan. 9, 1872.
"--Review, Jan. 9, 1872.
In June he was called to Minnesota
where he found less success in the meetings. Lacking quick success, he was again plunged
into gloom. In August, he debated one Friday night with a spiritualist. Billed as a
"trance speaker, a celebrated lecturer among the spiritualists," the worshiper
of Satan arrived in town. A debate between the two was shortly to follow. Into the
evangelistic tent strode the spiritualist, and when it came his turn to speak, all could
see that he spoke in a trance. When the audience hissed at some of his Satanic remarks, he
became angry and called them geese. At this they laughed, and the tide was turned in favor
of Canright. He was later to report it in the Review as a great victory [Review, Sept. 17,
1872]. At the end of that year he wrote, "God has been better to us than all our
fears. I am resolved not to be so cast down again under any circumstances.
Review, Jan. 14,1873.
In the summer of 1873, he and his wife
went for a vacation trip with Elder and Mrs. White to the Rockies. James was recovering
from a stroke and needed a change. And Ellen, knowing that the Canrights needed a rest
also, invited them along. Arriving at their destination, they stayed in a mountain cabin
near Black Hawk, Colorado. For several weeks all had a happy time, amid walks and
strawberry picking. And Sister White was awaiting an opportunity to speak with the young
couple. She had been given counsel for them.
But before the opportunity came, bad
weather kept them in for a spell and Elder White became so ill that he could not sleep.
Irritated at the cramped quarters, Canright burst into anger against the man who had so
many times befriended him. He was later to write of the incident, "I told the elder
my mind freely. That brought us into an open rupture. Mrs. White heard it all, but said
nothing." Shortly thereafter, Ellen spoke with them both and told what had been
revealed in vision. But they resisted all of the counsel given.
A letter dated August
12, was later sent to them. [It is in 3T 304-329.] Again, Sister White tried to help them
but as she wrote in her diary, they "seem unfeeling, as unimpressible as stones.
[MS 10, 1873.] On August 26, the Canrights left, and once again despondent, he moved
his family to California and "came very near giving up everything." For a time
he worked at farming. Then in a letter in Lucretias handwriting, Dudley wrote and
asked for forgiveness.
"Your words and spirit are very tender, humble, and
forgiving . . I have never seen any sins or faults in the character and life of
Sister White . . I am satisfied that the time had come in my life when it was
important that I should make a radical change in several important points. This I am now
fully determined to do at all events." [Letter, Nov. 8, 1873.]
Meeting again in
late 1873, the two men wept together in a manzanita thicket near Santa Rosa, California.
From the fall of 1873 until the moment of her death, Lucretia never again had a question
about Ellen White and the Testimonies. For the remainder of her life she ever sought to be
a helper to her husband and a faithful child of God.
In the spring of 1877 Canright wrote a
series of articles for the "Review" under the title, "A Plain Talk to
Murmurers," presenting "Some Facts for Those Who Are not in Harmony With the
In these articles he traced the rise of the church and then, in some
detail, he told the story of various ones who had apostatized and later fought the church.
In other articles in this series he spoke about Ellen White, whom he had personally known
for many years, and about the immense value of the Testimonies in the history of the
church and in his own life.
Elsewhere in this present biography of
Canright, we shall include some passages from this significant series of articles, since
they provide us with a clear understanding of his real feelings.
Continue Part
Order the Book from Pilgrims Rest!
A phantom is something like a mirage. It may seem
mysteriously inviting, but what it offers isn’t really there. And when
Canright went on board, it led him into something terrible. How he came to
write what he wrote and what happened in his own life. An astounding
36 pp, 8½ x 11, $5.00 + $2.50