New Missionary CDs

This sheet announces the first our lowest-cost missionary
CD-ROMs, which you—or anyone—can use on a computer or laptop. Sent them to
your friends throughout the world.
At the present time, we have 6 titles available, which you
can purchase at the amazingly low price of only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h each, or
4 (of a single CD title) for $30.00 + $2.50 p&h. At this price you can
afford to purchase several and send them to family and friends, and to
mission contacts. It is our hope to soon have more children’s material (also
useful for home-scholars) (We now have:
"Children’s Resource CD-ROM Vol. 1 & Granny's Picture Flipbooks for the
smaller folk.), and useful, inspirational
PowerPoint Slideshows available soon on CD-ROMs.
The twentieth century saw great changes in people’s lives
and habits with the invention of radio and television. Now the personal
computer (PC) has once again again revolutionized people’s work and
entertainment habits. Originally a novelty that appealed only to a few
technically-inclined individuals in the 70s and 80s, the invention of
user-friendly interfaces such as Microsoft Windows, has opened the
floodgates for a computer gadget invasion. They are now everywhere, doing
absolutely everything.
Even though many of us who are older, tend to resist this
invasion of hardware, software, rams, ROMs and bytes; yet rare is the person
whose life is unaffected by computers.
We want to here present you with several new missionary
projects, using CDs, which you can use to help others. These are excellent
for missionary work.
Computers are able to share valuable information on many
subjects, including Bible and Spirit of Prophecy truths. The interactive
Multimedia computers of the 90’s and beyond are among the best teaching and
educating tools ever placed in our hands.
Throughout the world, not only others but also our own
people are beginning to make use of PC computers and laptops. Using the
internet, we are now able to make contact with, and share helpful material
with many others.
Using the same html technology that produces web
pages, and also making use of PDF E-books, it is now possible to produce
interactive, attractive, and easy to use reference resources on the tiny
CD-ROM, giving a person literally hundreds of books to read, share, and even
print, all accessible to anyone with a reasonably modern computer.
Because these small plastic discs are also easily mailed
around the world, they make a very economical way to share the message in
far-away lands!
Yet you may wonder, do people in the third world actually
own computers? Yes, a surprising number of people in Asia, Philippines,
Africa, and many other places do have access to computers—and many even own
them. India probably has more computer literacy than we have, Both Japan and
China are really "into computers" now.
Those to whom you send these missionary CD-ROMs can use
them in many ways. Entire Bible Courses with lovely pictures and reference
materials can be used on laptops to present programs right in the people’s
homes! Reference materials in the E-Books we provide you with, can
easily be printed from your computer—and multi-printed at any copy-shop.
Often the humble lay-person receiving these resource CDs will be able to
print copies, which they can hand out to friends and neighbors.
As a tool in education the CD-ROM is a jewel. Even
children from the earliest years are attracted to this, and can learn from
these computer-based materials.
In the world, there is a scarcity of quality materials
for children. At the present time, very few truth-filled CD-ROMs are
available. Of the few which are—most are prohibitively expensive.
The need for quality children’s material is especially
great. Because there is so much trash on the market for children, parents
are pleading for something worthwhile.
(By the way, our children’s CDs, especially, could easily
be sold for a profit by those of you who are colporteurs!)
Our present titles are these:
This CD is for adults, teenagers, or early teens. It
could also be used in a home school.
excellent Bible Course book, Family Bible Studies we have developed
an entire Bible School all on a single CD-ROM!
This CD has all that you need, regardless of whether you
want to (1) study these lessons for yourself, (2) provide in a very
attractive form an excellent doctrinal foundation of basic Bible studies for
your older children, or (3) conduct your own Bible School. Your
correspondence school can either be in the homes of neighbors, or in a
mail-out arrangement to folk living at a distance.
The Bible School CD has the full 31 lessons in web
format, illustrated with hundreds of excellent pictures. For each of the 31
lessons there is also a true story section with Exciting true stories to
press home the message of each lesson. Especially attractive for children,
adults love these stories too.
2 - POWER POINT SLIDE SHOW—We have also included in
this CD a complete high-resolution Power Point slide show for each
of the 31 lessons. These slide shows can be shown on your own PC for
yourself, your family or even invite friends and have Bible Study meetings.
Many people take their lap-top computers right into homes and show these
slideshows as they present the Bible lessons to interests. Even folk in
Africa and India are using this method and these very slideshows are already
being shown in churches.
placed on this single CD—the entire Family Bible Studies book in a
PDF e-book, which can either be read, or used to print free
copies of the book!
Just as you will find in Family Bible Studies, the
printable form of each of the 31 lessons includes both the 31 full-length
Bible studies, as well as the short two-page, fill-in-the-blanks version.
You can easily print out which pages you need and make copies to use as
included is all the valuable guidance from the back of our Family Bible
Studies on how to find interests for Bible studies, how to give Bible
studies, how to answer objections, how to bring them to decisions, extra
lesson supplements, and much more. A group could get together and, from
the back of the book, learn how to give Bible Studies, —and then take this CD
out and give them!
In summary, this is a complete Bible School study tool.
All these lessons are in KJV Authorized Version
only! As you know, it is becoming quite difficult today to find worthwhile
Bible studies in the KJV.
5 - ENTIRE TEXT OF THE KJV—In addition, the text
of the entire KJV Bible is also included on this CD in 2 formats:
PDF and also RTF!
Acrobat Readers and Power Point viewers are
included on the disc for those who may not have internet access to download
them free online.
6 - AUTO-START FEATURE—The Auto-Start feature
allows you to insert the CD in any computer with Windows 98, or better, and
the program will open up an index so you can access the contents.
PRICE—Such productions are usually sold for $30-50,
but we are making this available for only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h, or 4 (of a
single CD title) for $30.00 + $2.50 P&H. Buy extras and send them to loved
ones, to churches, and to overseas missionaries!
Great Controversy in many of the most important languages—and all on one
CD. The material is from one of our newest websites:
It has been placed on this CD-ROM for your convenience in
printing the included multi-language portions of Great Controversy as
well as to aid those who either do not have internet access and cannot
afford it.
This single CD includes the entire Great Controversy
in 19 languages, as follows:
1888 or 1911 edition: English, Czech, Chinese,
German, Spanish, Korean, French, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Hungarian,
Condensed Swahili.
1884 edition: English, Dutch, Croatian, Serbian.
1858 edition: E-books in English, Japanese, Russian,
Nepali, Hindi, and Polish.
2 - HEART OF GREAT CONTROVERSY—The 3 most crucial
chapters of Great Controversy (chapters 29, 3, & 25, in that order)
in 26, or more languages. These portions can easily be printed for
3 - 1884 EDITION IN AUDIO—Audio MP3 is included
for the 1884 Great Controversy. (But your computer must be able
to play MP3s.)
3 - OTHER BOOKS AND ARTICLES—Also included on this CD
are a wealth of articles and books about the writer (EGW), as well as
the complete story of the writing of her most important book, Great
4 - RARE, OLD-TIME PICTURES—Also included are
several special pictures from early editions of Great Controversy.
AUTO-START FEATURE—This allows you to insert the CD
in any computer with Windows 98 or better, and the program will open up
access to an index of the contents.
PRICE—Only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h, or 4 (of one title)
for $30.00 + $2.50 P&H. Buy extras and send them to loved ones, to churches,
and to overseas missionaries!
NEW UPDATES LATER—As we acquire more languages on our
website, new updates of this CD-ROM will be released. (Latest Update
Available in August)
is based on our unique Spirit of Prophecy defense website:
This CD-ROM includes most of the collected data available
on that website.
2 - MANY EGW WRITINGS—Also included is a much
larger selection of Ellen G. White writings, including many early works and
even some unpublished material. This material is in both PDF E-book and
In an effort to provide, in an easily affordable form,
both seed to the sower and bread to the eater; we have endeavored to draw
together a bountiful collection of helpful materials: Her writings, a
collection of biographical and defense items, plus several useful
compilations from her works. We offer this collection at a price that all
can afford, so they can use and share this freely and widely with those who
long for this treasure and do not have access to it.
Especially unique on this CD are the defense books and
articles, as well as historic material our website is famous for. Here are
some of these items:
Non-released books and miscellaneous: Released Books;
Very Early Publications; Health & Hygienic Living; Magazine Articles; Tracts
& Pamphlets; Manuscripts
Books by other authors about Ellen White, or compilations
largely utilizing her writings.
Biographical items; Defense and resource items
Compilations on Various Subjects.
Assorted articles: Topical collections of devotional
Children’s Stories: Treasures of Inspiration.
ADOBE ACROBAT READER—a free copy of this is included
on this CD. The search feature of the Adobe Acrobat Reader will enable
you to do word searches on the PDF format of this EGW material.
Please note: for a complete EGW database, you should
purchase the EGW CD ROM from the White Estate. It alone can provide you with
the highest-quality searchable index:
Ellen G. White Estate / 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver
Spring, MD 20904-6090 / 301-680-6540 / fax 301-680-6559 / whiteestate.org
AUTO-START—Auto-Start feature allows you to insert
the CD in any computer with Windows 98 or better and the program will open
up an index so you can access the contents.
On this CD we have put together something that we hope
will be a blessing to many. No other CD, that we know of, offers as broad a
selection of historical and defense information along with the selection of
Ellen White’s writings!
Our excellent defense books Defending the Spirit of
Prophecy and Prophet of the End are also included on this CD.
They are also available from us at a very low cost in case-lots, as are
several Ellen White masterpieces such as Great Controversy, the
entire Conflict Series, and many others. Please contact us for
current pricing and our growing list of English and Spanish Missionary
PRICE—Only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h, or 4 (of a single
title) for $30.00 + $2.50 P&H. Buy extras and send them to loved ones, to
churches, and to overseas missionaries!
Having heard the cry from parents struggling to find
good-quality materials for their children to enjoy, we are pleased to
announce the two latest additions to our selection of CD ROMs:
A delightful CD-ROM for Pre-School to Grade 2 age groups.
This CD opens up to a virtual bookshelf containing 20 delightful picture
A click of the mouse on any one of them opens up a
virtual book whose pages can be turned just like a real book. Hundreds of
non-cartoon nature photos and art-quality color pictures fill these books to
delight the younger set.
As soon as a child can click a mouse, he can enjoy this
CD, and even tiny tots love to see these books. Some of the books contain
real animal sounds and music.
A complete Bible Story Primer in two parts is
included. Field tested, we found that these flip-books delighted small
children for hours. In a world where so much ugliness in children’s
entertainment exists, this CD will introduce little folk to the love of God
and the beauty of God’s Creation.
PRICE—Only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h, or 4 (of a single
title) for $30.00 + $2.50 P&H. Buy extras and send them to loved ones, to
churches, and to overseas missionaries!
1 - PDF E-BOOKS—Contains dozens of True Story PDF
E-books, Biographies, Printable Coloring Books and Bible Puzzle & Activity
books, as well as valuable lessons on creation, anatomy and physiology,
nature, and a picture gallery of Bible and Nature illustrations.
2 - TEMKIT SERIES—We have also included the 'Temkit
Series' of 12 full Quarters (enough for 1 per week for 3 years)
of printable Story-Papers very much like the Our Little Friend,
that many of us grew up with. These Story-paper PDFs contain true
character building stories, Nature Nuggets, History lessons, Junior-Youth
level Bible Lessons, and many coloring pictures. This material has been
5 years in preparation and contains stories from older books and early
Our Little Friends, and many rare sources.
Useful for Home-Scholars and Sabbath Schools as well as a
wonderful source of quality reading material for school-age youth. We hope
to offer further volumes in the future.
PRICE—Only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h, or 4 (of a single
title) for $30.00 + $2.50 P&H. Buy extras and send them to loved ones, to
churches, and to overseas missionaries!
A PDF E-BOOK Library of hundreds of useful books, including
most Harvestime titles, many early Advent books, Children's Items, Ancient
Classics, and Bible Reference aids. For an idea of what this CD contains
visit our online E-BOOK Library here:
But be aware that the CD contains many PDF-books too large
for the internet.
PRICE—Only $10.00 + $2.50 p&h, or 4 (of a single
title) for $30.00 + $2.50 P&H. Buy extras and send them to loved ones, to
churches, and to overseas missionaries!
For those who are trying to unravel the mystery of those
little round plates, called "CDs", here is a quick instructional course.
CD-ROMs: The CD-ROM ("compact disc with read-only
memory"), also called "CD," can only be used on computers, laptops, or
similar devices. It contains a program that computers can run, and provides
you with written information or pictures.
There is no limit to the type of printed material which
can be put onto a CD-ROM. Our CD-ROMs contain many E-Books in PDF form.
These can be opened on a computer, and read like a book using an Acrobat
Reader (which is free to anyone with internet access).
Paper copies can also be printed on any computer which
has a printer. Pictures, music, audio books and many other things all can be
placed on a CD-ROM.
AUDIO CDs: Audio CDs are much like vinyl
phonograph records or audio cassette tapes, but better sound quality. They
are played on audio CD players, but can also be played on any
reasonably up-to-date computer.
These audio CDs are the type commonly sold in music
stores. Each one has as much playing time as an audio cassette tape,
and therefore it requires several audio CDs to provide you with an audio
AUDIO MP3 CDs: The last few years has seen the
arrival of a new form of Audio CD, which uses a system called MP3.
This condenses the sound and allows literally hundreds of songs or entire
books to be placed on a single CD! When played back on an appropriate
machine there is no loss of sound quality.
These can be played on any reasonably up-to-date
computer, and also on special MP3 players which are gradually becoming more
available. They do NOT play on an ordinary audio CD player.
For those who have computers, the MP3 is an excellent way
to have a lot of audio material on a single disc. Several small books or
even a large book like Desire of Ages can be placed on a single MP3
They are economical for shipping to other countries,
since each one costs about as much to mail as a letter, and the CDs can be
copied by anyone with a CD burner on their computer. Computers are fairly
common in countries like India, Asia. They are even in Africa.
Let us do all we can to get the work on earth done! It
is time we went home!
Order information here:
Audio CD's
& MP3's also CD ROMs!