New World Disorder

September Eleven—
A Civil and Economic Perfect Storm

our normal tracts, this one is not a documentary. Instead, I will present
my view of the present situation, including a number of unique opinions.
However, I believe you will find it very interesting.
I have
told people for years that the last half of the 20th century was the
chemical age. In the soil, water, food, and air, we have all suffered from
the effects. But now we have entered the terrorist age. All the worst of
earlier decades is still with us. But now another horror has been added.
much more of this can humanity take? Everywhere, there are guns and
weapons, both old and strangely new.
late as the 1950s, it did not seem that the world was in bad enough shape
for the Second Advent to occur very soon. But in every decade since then,
the situation has radically worsened.
terrible possibility after another has developed. Yet, for anyone willing
to admit it, the root cause is the ever-mounting indecent immorality. As
the moral evils of mankind increase, Satan is permitted to move on men’s
minds to invent new terrors.
nature is becoming a terrible threat. Prior to about 1989, there had only
been one or two billion-dollar natural disasters. Since then, there have
been close to a dozen. Inspiration tells us that Satan has experimented
with the forces of nature; and, as we near the end, he will be permitted
to wreak more and more hovac through natural forces.
once again, it is man’s increasing immorality which permits Satan to do
In July,
I was impressed that I must write a book on the rapidly accelerating
increase in technology and evil—which was certain to shortly produce
national crises, primarily due to terrorism, of a most formidable nature.
morning I was packing the completed book manuscript to be sent off, a
worker ran in from the other office and announced that one of the World
Trade Center buildings had been struck by a plane. More news quickly
have asked our printing house to expedite the pre-press and press
operations—and get it to us as soon as possible. We will receive it
about the 10th of October. As soon as we send you an announcement sheet,
you can begin ordering it. (We will try to enclose it in this mailing.) It
is, to say the least, a startling book—yet it contains the full third
angel’s message, at extremely low cost to you.
Six died
in a Muslim terrorist attack on the Trade Center in 1993. A second one, in
1998, killed hundreds when bombs exploded at U.S. embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania. In 2000, the crew of the U.S.S. Cole was attacked at a
rest stop in Yemen.
numbers of Muslims may be very nice people; it is a fact that intelligence
experts declare them to be the most dangerous people in the world today.
But few people seem to know why.
days ago, a Christian teacher in Texas was interviewed. Raised in the Near
East as a Muslim, he experienced a total conversion to Christ. In the
interview, he said there are only two religions determined to conquer the
world on behalf of their religion: Christianity, which uses evangelism to
do it, and Islam, which relies on warfare. That is what the man said. He
ought to know. Contrary to some reports in the media, the Islamic holy
books say that the highest level of happiness in heaven is reserved for
the “martyrs” who die in battle against the infidel.
Christ said the two greatest commandments were love to God and love to one
another. On one occasion, Mohammad was asked what was the greatest
commandment. Studying and obeying the Koran and other holy books was the
answer. He was then asked what was the second greatest commandment.
Eliminating those who rejected those books was the reply.
that, at the religious service held at the National Cathedral in
Washington, D.C., one person prayed to “the God of Abraham, Mohammad,
and the Christ”; the converted Muslim said that was not true: The
“god” of Mohammad is not the God of Abraham and Christians, he said.
At 8:45
a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, a Boeing 767 went directly into the center
of the North Tower. At 9:06, a second 767 went into the South Tower.
soon as the first tower was hit, many began leaving the second tower. But
what about the first tower? Some on the upper floors found the exits
locked; later, when they were unlocked some managed to exit down the
stairs. The stairways were not properly marked, so many had difficulty
knowing which ones went all the way to the bottom.
soon as the first impact occurred, a general announcement was received to
not exit by the stairs, but wait for instructions as to what to do. A few
ignored the instructions and went down the stairs past the flaming area. A
second announcement never came, and many above the fire later jumped to
their deaths, when earlier they could have used the stairs.
there were the firefighters. As soon as the first explosion occurred, they
rushed to the scene and began climbing the stairs. Descending survivors
reported meeting them on the 50th floor or higher.
when he was interviewed, an officer at the Seattle ironworks (which in the
late 1960s and early 1970s built the twin towers) said it was a fact
well-known to structural engineers that, if the temperature of a fire in
the building reached 1200o
F.,—the steel would weaken and the building would collapse!
was that information not given to city planners, building managers, and
firefighters in New York City?
some were separated by hundreds of miles, all four jetliners took off from
three different airports within 12 minutes of one another (7:58, 7:59,
8:01, and 8:10 a.m.)! How is that for careful planning? We are told that,
in preparation for September 11, the hijackers had flown those routes
several times.
Much is
said of the heroic acts of many on that dreadful day. But among the
greatest heroes, if we may use the word, were four men, one of whom has
hardly been mentioned in the news.
because he was a praying Christian.
8:01 a.m. American Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, departed Newark, New
Jersey, for San Francisco with 38 passengers and 7 crew members. Why it
went all the way to a little past Akron, Ohio, before turning around, we
will never know. As we will learn below, its pilot was not one to easily
turn the plane over to the terrorists.
when it did turn around, it headed for Washington, D.C.
is possible that the hijackers aboard Flight 77 had cell phoned the Flight
93 hijackers that they were going to hit the Pentagon instead of the White
House which, according to government officials, they had originally
targeted. The Pentagon crash occurred at 9:40 a.m., an hour and a half
after both planes took off. So there was time for such a communication.
there was also time for another communication. Todd Beemer, an earnest
Christian among the passengers on Flight 93, was ordered to the back of
the plane.
is sparse, but he phoned 911. During the conversation, which lasted 13
minutes, he told of the hijacking, said he and his friends were going to
keep the jetliner from crashing in D.C., recited the 23rd Psalm, prayed in
the hearing of the 911 operator as his three friends stood nearby. His
last words were, “All right, boys, ready? Let’s roll,” and the line
went dead.
have the above information from a report by one Christian radio station.
The secular media has little to say about Beemer and nothing about his
Christian experience. Beemer’s wife, Elisa, said he worked for Oracle,
in southern California, and was a faithful Sunday School teacher.
is printed information we have from other sources on the final minutes of
Flight 93:
9:58 the Westmoreland County emergency-operations center, 35 miles
southeast of Pittsburgh, received a frantic cell-phone call from a man who
said he was locked in the rest room aboard United Flight 93. Glenn Cramer,
the dispatch supervisor, said the man was distraught and kept repeating,
‘we are being hijacked! We are being hijacked!’ He also said this was
not a hoax.”—Time, September 11, 2001,
unnumbered page, article: If You Want to Humble an Empire.
have a second article which also does not mention Beemer. Keep in mind
that these men aboard Flight 93 had learned, from cell phone calls, that
theirs was no ordinary hijacking: They were going to die whether they quietly waited for it to happen or whether they stormed the
‘I know we’re all going to die. We are going to do something about
it.’ That’s what Tom Burnett told his wife Deena. Burnett was one of
38 passengers and seven crew members aboard hijacked United Airlines
Flight 93, and he was not the only person to relay information to a
loved one. In first-class seat 4D, public relations executive Mark Bingham
used an airplane phone to call his mother. ‘Mom, this is Mark
Bingham,’ he said, so rattled that he included his last name. ‘Three
guys have taken over the plane, and they say they have a bomb.’ Back in
coach, Jeremy Glick phoned his wife Lyzbeth to say, ‘Three Arab-looking
men with red headbands’ had taken over the cockpit.
93 was the last of the hijacked planes to meet its fate. All three passengers
knew about the attacks on the World Trade Center. Did they do what we
think they did? Did three strangers on a flight in distress band together
to fight their captors and ditch the Boeing 757 before it could harm
untold thousands?
have recovered Flight 93’s black boxes, and they may tell us something
definitive. But those closest to Burnett, Bingham and Glick say they
don’t need confirmation. ‘You’d have to know Mark,’ says
Bingham’s aunt Kathy Hoglan. ‘I’m sure he and the others did
something to stop this.’ ‘He knew that stopping them was going to end
all of their lives,’ says Jeremy Glick’s brother-in-law Douglas Hurwill.
‘But that was my brother-in-law. He was a take-charge guy.’ Deena
Burnett says, ‘I know without a doubt that the plane was bound for some
landmark and that they saved many, many more lives than were lost on that
relatives of people on Flight 93 have spoken up too and assigned their
loved ones a heroic narrative. Those of the captain, Jason Dahl, say he
would never have allowed hijackers to take control of his plane without
a fight. But there is something about the similarities of these three
passengers that makes the portrait of them as confederates perfectly imaginable.
All three were large, athletic, decisive types. Bingham, 6 ft. 5 in.,
played rugby when at the University of California, Berkeley, and still
played for the San Francisco Fog, an amateur team. Glick, 6 ft. 4 in.,
was a national collegiate judo champion, according to the website of the
software firm for which he was a sales manager. Burnett, 6 ft. 1 in., was
a former high school football player and an executive of a
medical-devices firm. All three were nimble, successful, charismatic,
self-elected leaders—the kind that have a knack for finding one another.
like to think they did it. We may never know. Yet Glick’s last words to
his wife Lyzbeth, like Burnett’s vow of action to his wife, make us want
to believe they prevailed, taking Flight 93 down in a Pennsylvania
coalfield far from any metropolis. ‘We’re going to rush the
hijackers,’ said Glick. Then he put down the phone.”—Time,
September 24, 2001, p. 68.
is now believed that the terrorists on Flight 93 were planning to take it
into the White House. America owes a lot to the men who kept that from
happening, even though the fourth man and his prayer is rarely mentioned.
not that it is Arab terrorists who are our greatest
enemies; we are.
terrible menaces have dramatically increased within the past 15 years:
- Gambling. It is
now in nearly every state in the Union; and, in most, it is promoted by
state governments in the form of lotteries! Words cannot describe how
ruinous this is to our nation. Bankruptcies, damaged marriages, business
theft, and suicide are running rampant because of the easy availability of
this horrible habit.
evil men gather together a lot of money, they become a power in the halls
of Congress, at the White House, and in state legislatures. Gambling
profits are buying protection from leaders who could close down the
- Pornography. This
is another entrancing evil which, thanks to the Internet, is now
endemic—not only in America but throughout the world. A lot of money is
always to be made in the delivery of sin.
have even been made to those in charge of the American Library
Association. Its officers mandate that every library in America provide
every kind of evil book and unfiltered internet connection to the youth
and adults of the land.
- Abortion. By the
mid-1980s, more Americans had been killed by legal abortionists than had
died in all U.S. wars. Yet the crime had only been legal since 1973. While
widespread gambling destroys people financially and pornography ruins
their morals, abortion hardens people, so they do not value human life.
- Homosexual perversion. As
if the above three were not enough, there is a powerful political drive in
America to advance the interests of the homosexuals. In my 61-page book, The
Gay Takeover of America, I detail the early 1970s plan to use the
legislatures and schools to forward this strange sin. Until the late
1980s, the concern was to legitimatize sodomy; but since then—powerful
forces have been at work to require that the youth in public schools be
taught how to do it!
other evils could be mentioned; but, in view of the above four—all of
which were relatively insignificant in the 1950s,—can anyone wonder why
God permits terrorists to attack America? We are like Sampson, who gave
his strength to a lewd woman.
none dare speak up. As Pat Robertson concurred, Jerry Fallwell mentioned
homosexuality as a sin which prepared us for the attacks. Both quickly
retracted their statements when the news media commented negatively about
their remarks. In America today, while worldlings hanker after sin and
Christians are silent, our enemies prepare to destroy us.
Let us
next turn our attention to the economic impact of the September 11
disaster. All the official indicators that we are in a depression had been
met prior to that date. But the attacks thrust us far lower. (Last week
alone, the stock market lost $1.4 trillion.)
significant are two factors: Americans are now fearful to spend money and
travel. Both greatly reduce personal spending and business activity. This
fear of movement will continue for quite some time, especially as
additional attacks, even though sporadic, occur.
Two other
economic factors continue to loom large, even though not discussed very
- All through the late 1980s and 1990s, we have sent more and more of our
manufacturing operations overseas. America is stripped bare. The talk has
been that we are now “service oriented.” That means all we can do is
wait on one another! In the years ahead, this trend will greatly hurt us
in several ways. I consider this one of the most ominous economic problems
confronting our nation. Yet you will hear little about it in the media.
- We are flooded with illegal immigrants. No nation can do well under such
conditions. There is little work for our citizens, yet Bush says we need
more immigrants to do the work that is still available.
Prior to
September 11, President Bush was in the doldrums. Not one—not one—of
his legislative plans was going to succeed. They were all destined to be
rewritten or vetoed by the Senate.
now he is “presidential.” Instead of having to chase rabbits all over
Capitol Hill, he can focus on just two things—both outside the District:
national security and overseas attacks. Congress does not dare oppose
either, and the public fully supports his efforts. Amid such a wave of
approval, he is likely to be reelected in 2004—unless too many Americans
die overseas in missions that seemingly accomplish little.
Next we
turn our attention to security problems in the U.S. Although serious
trouble may be ahead, when my printing-house representative in New York
City told me she would be afraid to fly on an airliner now. I replied that
after September 11 it is probably the safest means of public
transportation in America today.
country is actually far safer at this time than it was a month ago! For
the first time since World War II, every government surveillance,
interrogation, and police agency is focused on people from the Near East.
yes, Sabbathkeepers may one day soon be the target. But, just now, the
eyes of the nation are on Muslims here and abroad.
greater flight problem is with the small airports, of which there are
thousands in our nation. It would be easy to load a light plane with
explosives and fly into buildings. It would be easy to take a spray plane,
designed to carry heavy loads, and spill chemicals or anthrax over a city.
would also be easy to pour deadly substances into city water supplies. Car
and truck bombs could still be used. Railroad tracks could be damaged.
ongoing terrorization of Israel has taught the Muslims a few lessons. They
intend to use them. Need you and I fear? Not a bit. Why? First, we have
the Lord to take care of us. Second, we live where Inspiration told us to
live: secluded rural locations.
It is
highly significant that the terrorist threat is bringing the nations
together! When was the last time this happened? Not even in World War II,
when the world was divided into two armed camps.
fact that 6,000 people from over 60 nations died in the Trade Center
attacks, only added to the sense of unity.
nation, fearing to have its largest buildings destroyed by terrorists,
supports America’s concern. Yet few are willing to provide too much
overt support, lest the terrorists take aim at them.
you not see how easy it would be for Satan to bring the nations together
during the little time of trouble, after the first (U.S.) National Sunday
Law has been enacted? At that time he will have great power to influence
people through a combination of signs, wonders and healings, on one hand,
and natural and man-made disasters on
the other. Read our End Time Series, which contains
the largest categorized collection of Spirit of Prophecy statements on
last-day events.
we consider the U.S. response to terrorism. This one will also produce
problems, massive ones. Ironically, if the White House focused on
protecting our citizens and not responding overseas until it could catch
or assassinate Bin Laden, we would be the safest here.
Bush is dispatching thousands of troops, planes, and equipment; and
Americans fully support his action. This will probably produce two
unfortunate effects:
- There will be heavy losses of life in Afghanistan, with the likelihood
that our forces will become bogged down in campaigns and skirmishes. This
will produce a reaction back home.
- An even greater reaction will occur at that time among Muslim citizens.
Individuals may join the terrorist network throughout the world. Muslim
governments may eventually yield to their aroused citizens and officially
denounce American counterattacks.
related problem is the massive number of Muslims already in the U.S.: over
a million. It has recently been reported that anyone can get into our
country on a “student visa,” and once inside he can go anywhere and do
anything—and never leave.
have here a very serious situation.
U.S. citizens react to sporadic chemical, biological, gas, and munitions
attacks here and there in the country, they will become angrier at Muslims
in our nation. In reaction, some young Muslim men may join the terrorist
ranks. All these are possibilities.
one world ended on 8:45 a.m. on September 11, another began. Friends, we
are very close to the end.
It is time to pray. It is
also time to encourage your loved ones to move out of the large cities.