The Sequel to WACO:
THE BIG LIE Video is
Now ready! It is Called

and problems:
There were
140 men, women, and children inside that compound when the raid and siege on
the Mount Carmel Branch Davidians began on February 28, 1993, near Waco,
Why was a
small child outside when the firing began?
Why are we
shown the ATF agents carrying a small body to an ambulance?
It is
believed that 308-caliber machine guns may have been in the three
helicopters, circling overhead during the raid.
Why were
there several reports from those inside the compound that bullets came down
through the roof into the compound?
When Dick
DeGuerin, Koresh’s attorney, entered the compound, he saw bullet holes in
the ceiling, and was told that one of them killed a mother while she was
nursing her baby.
Harwell, the county sheriff in Waco, had repeatedly said earlier,
“There’s no evidence of child abuse out there.”
Janet Reno
later said, “We had concerns for the children,” and that the attacks
were made to protect the children. Why then was a man from the Dakotas, who
had brought cans of baby food for the beseiged children, handcuffed and
taken away—without delivery of the food to those children?
during the day of the fire, agents were seen getting in and out of the
tanks. A tank stopped above the underground bunker, closing off any means of
escape from it. It was later learned that pieces of concrete fell upon the
children inside.
Why was a
masonite-exterior, wood frame building called “a fortress-like compound”
in the later official Treasury Department Report?
Why did
the warrant for the raid state that the objective was to attack a church in
the United States? The warrant read: “Seventh-day Adventist Davidian
Why was
the raid carried out anyway, after the “element of surprise” was lost?
Why did
the ATF contact television stations ahead of time?
Why was
NBC able to so quickly televise an enacted version of the raid only a few
days later? If it had been prepared after the raid, why was it so totally
inaccurate to the video facts of what happened during the raid—even
showing an agent dropping dead from a head wound before the front door? No
agents died, or were even wounded, anywhere near that area.
Why were
military advisors planning the raid on U.S. citizens, and advised the agents
during the siege and final fire-setting of the building?
Why was
information from a U.S. Army psychological brainwashing training and
operations manual (Psyop) used in an attempt to mentally and
emotionally gain control of those imprisoned citizens?
official Treasury Department Report later said that the ATF knew in advance
that the Waco newspaper report on Koresh (by the Tribune Herald)
would begin releasing the series on Saturday, February 27, and that was the
reason it moved the raid up from Monday March 1, to Sunday morning, February
If the ATF
was planning the raid for Monday, March 1, why was the country sheriff’s
warrant for the raid (which was signed on February 25) officially listed as
expiring on the 28th?
additional feature: The warrant was not activated (presented to the
sheriff’s office) until Monday, the 1st—the day after the raid occurred.
came right in, parked by the front door and made a frontal assault on the
building.”—Waco reporter, John McLemore, eyewitness, who observed
the action from across the road on February 28, 1993.
The Associated
Press report said 100 agents arrived in livestock trailers, jumped out,
and stormed the main home. Many women and children were inside, and that
fact was known in advance.
There was
no mention of any barrage of gunfire coming from the compound in any of
those early reports.
As soon as
the raiders arrived, Koresh stepped outside and asked them to stop, because
there were women and children inside. He was answered with gunfire, fell
back into the house and was wounded.
afterward, a call was placed to 911, and the phone was handed to Koresh. He
said there were 75 men around the building, “and they’re shooting at us!
There’s women and children in here; tell them to call it off!”
the lengthy, official Treasury Report, there was never any mention of a plan
to knock at the door or announce their presence.
agency planned the entire raid, using dynamic entry techniques.”—Treasury
Report. This is a synonym for a commando attack.
started firing at me, and I fell back at the door.”—Koresh.
later reported that such a powerful hail of bullets came outward through
that front door, that it bowed outward. But careful examination of that door
(taken by video later on that same day), showed the door not bowed outward,
but still ajar. In addition, bullets coming out would have caused deep
splinters on the outer wood. Yet this was not seen on the door or the walls.
All the holes were neat and round.
There was
no evidence in any of the videos of any Branch Davidians firing outward at
any window, as claimed in the report.
Videos of
the agents, firing from behind the cars, showed no bullets hitting the
agents, the cars, or the ground.
agents then began climbing onto the front (eastern) roof. As they prepared
to ascend the ladders, one was heard to yell to agents behind him who were
firing: “Too much live fire!” telling them to stop shooting. The
shooting came from behind, not from in front.
were shown carrying MP-5 submachine guns. Why were these being used on
American citizens?
No one was
shooting at the agents as they climbed the ladder.
Just as
the raid began, three helicopters had approached the compound.
up two ladders, the agents went onto the roof. Whenever a helicopter flew
over the building, there was a cut in the released video of the roof scenes.
Yet it was officially reported that there were no guns on the helicopters.
One agent
tossed in a smoke bomb, and then entered the upstairs room. The third agent
fired into the room, and then shots hit the wall. These were neat holes
coming from outside, not inside.
The sounds
on the video do not correspond to what is seen. There were 15 shots from 6
separate guns, including 4 (number 2, 8, 9 and 10) from overhead. Yet the
dubbed-in sounds were all alike.
A computer
analysis of the angle of the bullets from overhead reveals the c. 50-degree
angle they were fired downward from above.
A few days
later, the government released to a Dallas newspaper data that 4 agents were
killed on the day of the raid, and it was specifically stated that the three
who entered that room died. All names of the deceased were given.
But Keith
Constantino, one of the three agents who went into that room, later reported
that he was one of the three agents who entered it, and that he had gotten
out alive. He said that, yes, other agents were killed but he did not know
After Waco:
the Big Lie video was released in June 1993, the ATF said that
none of the men who went in that window were killed! Instead, they said that
two groups of agents climbed up two different roofs to different upstairs
windows—four agents to the west window, and three agents to the east
window (the window shown in the video), and that Constantino was on the
three-man team which climbed up to the west window.
Three of
the four men who were killed had earlier been part of President Clinton’s
bodyguard. Clinton, himself, so stated this on March 18, 1993.
three men (Williams, Willis, and LeBleu) were all treated by private
physicians, and not at any hospital.
official autopsy data revealed that all three were struck by the fatal blow
of a bullet which entered the left temple, and exited through the rear of
the head. Parts of an AK 7.62 round was found in the head of one of the men.
These are the caliber of guns fired by helicopter gunship machine guns.
Many of
the people inside were either in the upstairs rooms (where bullets, directed
downward, struck some of them) while others had gathered in the chapel to
pray. An agent was shown, on video, tossing two granades into the chapel
window and firing into the room.
Many ATF
agents that day had shrapnel wounds.
phone had been tapped, yet no warrant had ever been issued to do that. This
was an 18 USC 25-10 violation of the U.S. Code.
Shroader was heading to town to go to work that morning, when he saw the
raiders coming. He turned around, parked, and tried to re-enter the compound
(his wife and small child were inside). The agents said he could proceed to
the house. As he did so, he was shot seven times in the back. His body lay
there five days, and then was picked up with a grappling hook by a
helicopter and carried off.
In the
later official report, the ATF was criticized for not doing—that which it
appears they did do (example: it was said the helicopters should have
carried guns. It has been suggested that, by criticizing those points, the
way would be open for these things to be more easily done publicly on U.S.
citizens again later.
On the day
of the raid, a reporter was beaten by the ATF agents. Why were they so
afraid of publicity that day?
When Linda
Thompson (author of Waco: the Big Lie) was leaving the press area
near the compound, she was detained five hours by an ATF agent, pointing an
MP-5 submachine gun at her head. She took a picture of him, and successfully
hid the negative before the car was illegally searched.
The Texas
Penal Code, Subsection C, Article 9.31, says the use of force to resist
arrest is justified if the peace officer uses greater force than necessary.
After the
raid, the FBI took over the case and quickly sealed the compound from the
world. All communications were cut, and the phone was directly wired to a
regional Texas FBI headquarters. Linda Thompson says this is a felony (U.S.
Code, title 18, sections 25-11).
compound CBs and ham radio transmitters were illegally jammed also.
The only
reports about what was occurring at Waco were given at 10:30 a.m. each
morning by an FBI agent to a select group of news media.
Gent, a nice-appearing young man, was shot on top of the water tower, and
lay there for 51 days.
If anyone
came out of the compound, agents are said to have thrown concussion granades
at them.
official report said that, during the siege, no one would be allowed to come
outside the compound.
in the compound were subjected to noise, lights, and tanks charging around
the buildings for 51 days.
51-minute FBI tape explains about the use of various psychological weapons.
broadcast mentioned that two Russian psychologists were brought in, to
demonstrate techniques for penalizing the human mind, to the government
agents at Waco. The entire operation seemed to be something of a field day
to try out various weapons systems.
That BBC
broadcast discussed a system whereby special threatening words could be
masked in music or white sound, in an effort to induce a person to obey. The
FBI was said to have used that system against the Koresh group. So the
special words may have been included in the dying cat calls and so-called
“Buddhist chants” which were aired over sound speakers every night to
the compound.
CNN gave a
similar report.
November 17, 1993, Janet Reno attended a special convention on the use of
such mind-changing weapons and techniques. It was entitled, “Non-lethal
Defense.” Included were lazer weapons designed to blind, extremely
low-level sound weapons to cause violent debilitation, and microwave
radiation weapons.
Ten days
before the fire, an agent was filmed testing the wind patterns around the
complex. He would set off flares and watch the directions of the red smoke.
Why did he need to do this?
The day
before the fire, a tank cleared the bushes and cars in a wide firebreak
swath around the entire compound, to keep the next day’s fire from
spreading outside the cleared area. How did they know there would be a fire
the next day?
to the Justice Department Report, tear gas was inserted into all windows
from Mark Vs through two CVs, as well as from Bradley vehicles.
Tear gas
canisters were actually lobbed from 40mm guns in tanks into walls of houses.
These canisters are 400mm morter shells, containing gas. The shells could
easily kill anyone they might hit.
The gas
was also hosed into the rooms of the compound through booms on the front of
the tanks.
Justice Department has since admitted that it was not regular tear gas, but
CS gas which was used. But the manufacturer of the CS gas says it is never,
never to be used inside an enclosed area! Doing so can so overcome the
occupants of the room that they cannot get out in time.
had set up a sniper nest in a barn outside the main compound. Inside,
sandbags had been placed along the lower part of the walls. Above the
sandbags were holes punched in the walls for sighting and gun turrets, so
they could fire at people.
On the
morning of the fire, and throughout the day, up to 20 people trying to
escape the building were seen by reporters. Twenty-one people were found
shot. In the official report, the Justice Department said that only eight
came out of the building.
could be heard outside the building, echoing off the walls of the building.
So they were shots fired at the house, not from it.
Paul Gray
was the independent fire investigator who prepared the report, accepted as
official, regarding the cause of the fire which destroyed the compound. He
carried a card in his wallet, on which were the words: “ATF Fire
Investigator.” His wife is employed by the ATF. His conclusion:
“Persons inside the house started the fire.”
millitary tanks were used on the day of the fire. These tanks are called
CEVs (combat engineer vehicles), frequently shortened to CVs (combat
adapted for flame throwing, appear to have been used on the day of the fire.
First, a tank with a punching boom would knock a hole in the wall, then a
different tank would draw near and pour flame into the building through that
hole. Then it would back off and, soon after, flames would erupt from that
portion of the building. —This is the impression one receives upon seeing
the videos of what occurred. (Perhaps some tanks both punched holes and
threw flame.)
The flame
coming from the tanks is quite noticeable, remarkably bright, and often rose
or red in color. Smoke can also be seen issuing from the flame area on, what
appears to be, a tank’s gun barrel.
A tank is
shown as it inserts flames into holes in the wall at the back of the
compound. At first, there is no smoke, except that coming from the nozzle of
the tank. Then fire erupts from the outer wall of the building, where the
tank had just been.
Then a
tank is shown inserting flame into the front of the building, where the main
door is, while smoke is billowing up from the back of the building. Flame
can easily be seen issuing from the front of the tank.
A man is
shown jumping off the roof of the compound as flames and smoke billow up in
the background. His head appears encased in something shaped like a
fireproof Nemox hood. Landing on the ground, he walks away and then takes
off the hood.
In another
scene, as the tank backs away from the wall, the area above the gun
simultaneously begins to burn. It was not burning before.
that final day, agents were seen walking around the compound. There is no
evidence that they were being fired upon by guns from within the building.
It is of special interest that not one of those agents was struck by a
bullet from the building at any time during that day.
Janet Reno
later said there was no flame-thrower on the CV2 (the second tank). But the
later Justice Department Report said that CV2 had broken down, and could not
be used that day. A different one was used instead. We are not told what
that one was equipped with.
The book, Janes
Armor and Artillery, shows the M67 Flame-throwing Tank. That type of
tank was seen there on the day of the fire. This type of tank is shown in
diagrams as being equipped with a flame gun (M7-6), with a fake barrel
extension to disguise the flame thrower. (Normally, the M67 tank would have
an M-41 90mm gun.)
Some of
the tanks had bulldozer blades and a boom arm attached.
When later
asked what the flames coming out of the gun might be, Lloyd Bentsen,
Treasury Secretary, said it was not flame.
Richard Scruggs, Department of Justice, was asked, he said he did not really
know, but that perhaps it was a busted hydraulic line. (The very detailed
Treasury Report mentioned no damaged hydraulic lines.) Scriggs said that,
more likely, it was the CS gas coming out of the barrel. He said this was a
particulate (a dust) and would flow downward out of the barrel, whereas a
flame would rise up into the air.
assumption would be incorrect, since the M-67 Flame-throwing Tank pours out
napalm through the nozzle of that M7-6 flame-thrower. Napalm is a jellied
gasoline and is heavier than air. It would drop downward as it flowed
outward, just as is seen in the video shots.
It was
later claimed that the brightness was caused by reflections off the metal of
the tank. But each tank is purposely painted with a special, non-reflecting
paint in order to eliminate any possibility of reflections. In addition,
this flame is extremely bright, especially when seen in the shadow of the
building. Yet no reflections could occur within the shadow of the building.
It was
said that the people inside started the fire in the gym, and that it spread
outward to the rest of the building. But, at one point, video shots reveal
most of the building on fire while the gym is intact with no smoke coming
from it. It was still standing 20 minutes after the fire started.
government has released a brief video sequence, showing a tank moving away
from the building. It has the flame coming from it, and as it finally turns
away, the entire upper, front end of the tank then glows like the sun with
an intense reflection. This picture appears to have been digitized (doctored
up), and the one who prepared it has admitted that it was digitized. Our own
video engineer tells us that this is easily done through “rotoscoping,”
as a paint-package is applied frame-by-frame to the pictures to change
the black section of the tank to a bright golden brilliance.
reporters were told that there was no direct military involvement in the
It is
illegal to use the military against U.S. citizens (Title 18, Section
1385, Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Posse Comitatus Act, U.S. Code). Active
participation of the military against citizens is forbidden.
Yet one of
the tanks is shown firing a 40mm gas morter shell into the building. Another
view shows 40mm morter shell holes, very high up on the side of the second
story of a building wall. Only trained military personnel could do
that—not FBI agents.
videos were taken by the media of military men gassing the tanks early on
the morning of the attack and fire. Other army men, with helmets and
fatigues, are shown entering,
the tanks. It is obvious they are doing what they are quite experienced at
views reveal active military men in military and evacuation helicopters,
preparing to fly off that morning, and then taking off.
Many of
the men wear green berets. These are highly-trained military personnel.
addition to tank flame-throwers, portable flame-throwers were also used on
the day of the fire. These are backpack flame-throwers, the type used in
World War II and Vietnam to burn the enemy to death in underground bunkers.
Video shots show agents around the compound, wearing the backpacks. Smoke
arises where they are, and then, as they walk away, flames erupt.
An agent
is shown climbing out of a tank with one on his back. Two agents are shown
dragging what appears to be a body. Then one of the agents, wearing a
portable tank on his back, engages in a spraying motion over it. Then,
suddenly, flames come up.
After the
fire is nearly out at the compound, agents are seen approaching the concrete
building (which used to be an integral part of the house). Then they walk
away from it, and fire explodes upward behind them. Yet they are not
surprised or take cover, but keep walking away. A thermite bomb is a
military device which explodes on impact with the ground. Incindiary
granades are variations of it. These devices, made of phosphorus or
magnesium, burn with an extremely intense heat.
Why were
they so concerned that everything must be destroyed?
government officials would try to preserve evidence after a fire so they can
carefully examine it. Yet it is highly significant that the tanks were
constantly pushing debris into the fire so it would all burn up and be
destroyed—even before the fire was out. This is one fact which stands out
the entire building was rather quickly bulldozed, and all underground
tunnels were filled.
Then a chain link fence was erected around the entire
property, with warning signs to keep out. That fence and those signs are
still there today.
to Watch