and Psychiatrists Warn Us

is rapidly becoming a major part of psychological, psychiatric, and
professional counseling technique. Medical doctors are also increasingly
employing it. Its use has dramatically increased since the development
of Ericksonian hypnotism a couple decades ago. Classical (formal)
hypnotism required that the client be put into a sleep-like stupor, but
Erlcksonian (Informal) hypnosis enables the operator to embed thoughts
and feelings during casual conversation, without the client's realizing
where they came from. This new method of hypnosis has opened the way
whereby, every professionally-trained counselor can do what the
psychiatrists used to do: put people Into a hypnotic trance and suggest
changes In values, wishes, wants, likes, dislikes, fears, and hopes.
of the basics of a person's personality and character can be affected
through hypnosis. You are a unique combination of information,
attitudes, and principles. But all that can be changed through
character is your thoughts and feelings combined, both easily changed
through hypnosis. "You should keep off from Satan's enchanted
ground and not allow your minds to be swayed from allegiance to God.
Through Christ you may and should be happy and should acquire habits of
self-control. Even your thoughts must be brought into subjection to the
will of God and your feelings under the control of reason and religion.
Your imagination was not given you to be allowed to run riot and have
its own way without any effort at restraint or discipline. lf the
thoughts are wrong the feelings will be wrong, and the thoughts and
feelings combined make up the moral character. . "-5 Testimonies,
310 (italics ours).
addition, hypnotism weakens the will and the power of self-control, and
those are the two elements that determine the strength of one's
character. "Strength of character consists of two things-power of
will and power of self-control."-Child Guidance, 161.
is basic to the Eastern religions. Just as psychotherapy is taking the
West to the East, so hypnosis is having the same effect.
reader should not be confused by the supposed differences between
hypnosis, Zen, Yoga and other Eastern healing methodologies. Although
the ritual for each differs, they are fundamentally the same.”
-William Kroger and William Fezler, Hypnosis and Behavior Modification:
Imagery Conditioning, 1976, p. 412.
a research psychiatrist, tells us this:
is one aspect of the yoga techniques of therapeutic meditation."-
Fuller Torrey, The Mind Game, 1972, p. 70.
explains that hypnosis is used to bring the subject to the gods of yoga.
fundamental principles of Yoga are, in many respects, similar to those
of hypnosis. Yoga is not considered a religion, but rather a 'science'
to achieve mastery of the mind and cure physical and emotional sickness
. . There are many systems of Yoga, but the central aim— union with
God—is common to all of them and is the method by which it achieves
cure. "-William Kroger, Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (2nd
Ed), 1977, p. 122-123
who wish to use hypnosis, or consult those who do, need to realize what
they are getting themselves into. "We cannot call hypnosis a
science, but we can say that it has been an integral part of the occult
for thousands of years."-Martin and Deidra Bobgan, Hypnosis and the
Christian, 1984, p. 43.
centuries, Zen, Buddhist, TIbetan, and Yogic methods have used a
system of meditation and an altered state of consciousness similar to
hypnosis."-William Kroger, Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. (2nd
Ed.), 1977, p. 126.
can have powerful effects on people. Not only can it radically change
their thoughts and feelings, —it can even remold their mind patterns
into something quite different. By the choice of the hypnotist—or the
spirits guiding him,—the hypnotized subject can think he is in a
totally different location, or fully believe he has become an animal!
meditation and biofeedback, hypnosis can open the way for a person to
enter a wide range of discrete states of consciousness, or, more rarely
altered states." Daniel GoIeman and Richard Davidson,
Consciousness: Brain, States of Awareness, and Mysticism, 1979, p. 46.
is well-known among professionals that the deepest states of hypnosis
are the ones that many psychologic counselors prefer to put their
clients into so the "most beneficial therapeutic work can be
done" on their minds. Yet the deeper states are the most dangerous!
a psychiatric researcher, describes 500 levels of trance that people can
be put into by hypnosis. "Up to the five hundredth, one goes
through various states and levels that reflect different states and
levels of the spiritual world and its conditions. At the 126th level,
there is a state that corresponds to the state (Nirvana] described by
the Eastern mystics.” -Peter Francuch, Principles of Spiritual
Hypnosis, 1981, p. 79.
he describes levels beyond the 126th.
subject emerged from the 126th state, or state of void, nothingness,
Nirvana, as a new-born individual with a high level of individuation,
differentiation, and at the same time, absorption of the Universe and
creation within and without, being simultaneously one with and different
from Creation. This state is impossible to describe in words, because
nothing exists in the human vocabulary that corresponds to it.
was told that once we break the 1,000 level, all laws, rules, and
regulations as they are known to all levels of spirituality and the
natural world will be broken, and something completely new will
appear."-Op. cit., p. 80. Such mystical talk as that is given to
convince foolish people to let hypnotists work on them. But the result
is only changed personalities and heavily weakened wills. Instead of
producing some glorious experience, it actually corresponds more closely
to a dog that has been trained by his master to respond instantly, have
no will of his own, and do exactly as he is told.
is actually spirit possession. Or to say it more clearly: demon
possession. Earnest Hilgard, a psychiatric researcher, describes trances
in which possession clearly occurred. In one, the individual
"becomes possessed by the Monkey god.” In another, the one under
hypnosis is told to select from several spirits that could possess him.
(Which is somewhat unusual; in this one instance the subject was
permitted to choose something himself! Usually it is all done for him by
other minds: the operator and the demons.)
spirit would possess him and then answer questions, particularly
making recommendations for the cure of illness, including the special
curative powers of a charmed glass of water. "-Earnest Hilgard,
Divided Consciousness: Multiple Controls in Human Thought and Action,
1977, p. 168.
will recall in our earlier set of studies, Hypnotism Enters Adventism,
we told of the "self-help" hypnotism cassettes that would
answer whatever questions you asked while they were playing (!). Now we
know how that is done. The tape puts you into a low-level trance, and
then you imagine it is answering your questions,— when actually a
devil is talking to you.
will, control by men and devils, and the embedding of strange, new
atheistic standards of thinking and believing; —all this comes from
hypnosis. But here is an associated danger: the problem of mind
emptying. During hypnosis and afterward, there is a tendency for the
mind to empty out so that, passively, it awaits other minds and powers
to control it. What a dangerous way to live!
following passage bears strikingly on the subject at hand:
he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when
he is come, he findeth it empty . . Then goeth he, and taketh with
himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter
in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the
first."-Matthew 12:44-45.
technique or practice that alters the consciousness to an empty-minded
state of passivity should be avoided." -David Haddon,
"Meditation and the Mind," Spiritual Counterfeits, January
1982, p. 2.
hypnosis always brings that empty-mindedness to the one foolish enough
to fall under hypnosis.
those kinds of [hypnotic) techniques are often taken up for the supposed
benefits rather than as spiritual disciplines, the user's intention
will not prevent experience of the passive mental state with its
attendant hazards. . It opens the mind to false ideas about God and
reality. . [and] opens the personality to demonic incursion
is nothing more than a contractual agreement between devils and men. The
men are given power to do unusual things, so that thereby the devils may
gain access to men and women that they previously could not control. The
operator is proud of his strange power, and the demons are enabled to
gain control over new victims.
happens when a hypnotist begins hypnotizing someone?
a hypnotist leads an individual into a state of hypnosis through a
process called induction. Few people realize that hypnotic induction
often involves subtle forms of deception. Even if a hypnotist attempts
to make only true and honest statements, deception may enter in through
the distortion of reality, which begins during induction and continues
throughout the hypnotic trance.
form of deception employed by hypnotists is double-bind suggestions.
Medical doctor William Kroger and psychologist William Fezler, two
well-known authorities on hypnosis, describe induction by saying that it
'consists of a sequential series of double-bind suggestions.'
Double-bond suggestions are comments made to the subject to indicate
that his response (no matter what it is) is an appropriate one for
moving into the state of hypnosis. The suggestions are arranged to
elicit the subject's confidence and cooperation so that he may relax.
Kroger and Fezler suggest such things as:
'If the patient's eyes blink or the individual swallows, one can say,
'See, you just blinked,' or swallowed, as the case may be. These act as
reinforces to suggest that the patient is doing fine.'
such reinforcements are used by Kroger and Fezler to lead the person
more quickly into the trance. "Milton Erickson, known as the 'grand
master of clinical hypnosis' [and the originator of Ericksonian
informal hypnosis], used the double bind to give his patients a
pseudo-choice, the patient could choose a light trance or a deep trance
but, either way, the patient ended up in a trance. Hypno-therapist Peter
Francuch says, 'It is very important to utilize every reaction of the
client to deepen his trance.' It -Martin and Deidre Bobgan, Hypnosis and
the Christian, 1984, pp. 15-16.
the entire process is simple enough: low-level mind-control, ever
deepening into greater and greater mind control. It begins by stating
facts as though they were suggestions already carried out, continues as
alternative suggestions leading to deeper levels of control, sinks down
to the giving of commands which are followed, and ends with devils
which already control the operator-now controlling both operator and
subject. It does not sound very pleasant, does it?
of a noble mind submitted only to its' Creator, the God of heaven, the
man or woman becomes a kennel dog which obediently does whatever
another created being tells it to do.
by now the takeover of the will through hypnotism is a foregone
conclusion. The will would have to be overcome and brought into total
submission, in order for the operator-and the devils he is knowingly or
unknowingly working with-to do such dramatic things with the vision,
hearing, senses, thinking, and feelings of the victim, —pardon me, the
is an interesting statement in the prestigious Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology:
relationship of a hypnotizable patient to the hypnotist does not
differ in any essential way from the relationship of a lunatic to the
superintendent of an asylum." -Martin Orne and Frederick Evans,
"Social Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial
Behavior and Hypnosis," Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, Vol. 1, No, 3, p, 199.
the following statement is an equally significant one, from a college
textbook, no less!
can be described as an altered state of intense and sensitive
interpersonal relatedness between hypnotist and patient, characterized
by the patient's non-rational submission and relative abandonment of
executive control to a more or less regressed, dissociated
state."-Alfred Freedman, Harold Kaplan, and Benjamin Sadock,
Modern Synopsis of Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/II, 1976, p.
says it well:
the hypnotic contract, they will do what the hypnotist suggests,
experience what they are told to experience, and lose control of
movements [not directed by him]."Earnest Hilgard, "Divided
Consciousness in Hypnosis: The Implications of the Hidden Observer,
" in Ericka Fromm and Ronald Shor (eds.), Hypnosis: Developments
in Research and New Perspectives, 1979, p. 49.
explains it further:
perception of the world of outer reality fades away . . and there comes
a time when the voice of the hypnotist is heard as if within the
subject's own mind, and he responds to the will of the hypnotist as to
his own will." -Margaretta Bowers, "Friend or Traitor?
Hypnosis in the Service of Religion, " International Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Vol. 7, No. 205, 1959, p. 208.
spite of all the high praise heaped upon hypnosis for its marvelous
personality improving and medically healing powers, the experts, after
using it for years, recognize among themselves that it is really useless.
Because of this, they privately discuss its "placebo effect” to
Because hypnotism helps no one, the professionals like to think that, at
least, it makes a good placebo; that is, people imagine it is helping
them, so they get better! ("Placebo": a preparation having no
medicinal value, given to soothe or humor a patient.]
power of hypnosis is the power of belief!"-William Kroger, Clinical
and Experimental Hypnosis (2nd Ed.), 1977, p.135.
to find some medical benefit in hypnosis, Kroger and Fezler declare:
in a specific cure leads to the success of that cure! . . Every
psychotherapist owes it to his patients to utilize his unquestioned
placebo effect at the highest level —hypnosis. " - William
Kroger and William Fezler, Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery
Conditioning, 1976, pp. xiii, 138.
that they mean that the patient comes to the doctor, believing in
advance that somehow he may be able to help him. So a potential placebo
effect is already there as he enters the doctor's office, But in order
to really change that potential into reality, Kroger and Fezler tell the
doctors to be sure and hypnotize the patient before he leaves! If they
utilize Ericksonian hypnosis, that should not be too difficult to do.
thesis is that if the placebo is (to be made] effective, then hypnosis
employed prudently by a competent physician for a valid indication will
serve the patient's best interests. "Op. cit, p. 139.
and Gillis put it even more bluntly:
its dozens of psychotherapy offshoots—is the most used placebo of our
time. "-Arthur Shapiro, in Martin Gross, Psychological Society,
1978, p. 230.
fervor aside, it's the therapist's job to take power over the patient,
push ahead with solving the problem, then convince the patient he or she
is better, even if it means being devious." -John S. Gillis,
"The Therapist as Manipulator," Psychology Today, December
1974, p. 91.
is nothing as devious as hypnosis. It is lying and deceptive from the
start to the finish of the hypnotic process, and also in the
"beneficial results" claimed for it before and afterward.
Janet, one of the leading early pioneers in hypnotherapy, said this:
are some patients to whom . . we must tell part of the truth; and there
are some to whom as a matter of strict moral obligation, we must
lie."-Pierre Janet, Psychological Healing: A Historical and
Clinical Study, Vol. II, 1925, p. 338.
only are lies told in order to put the client under hypnosis, lies are
told to him afterward.
must convince the] client that the therapy is definitely working,
apart from any objective evidence of change (or improvement],"-John
S. Gillis, "The Therapist as Manipulator," Psychology Today,
December 1974, p, 92.
mind-healers are working with lying spirits, and it is those spirits
that guide both the operator and his client. You do not think that lying
takes place? Read these lying "memories" embedded into a man
during hypnosis:
man who suffered from migraine headaches reports [under hypnosis] the
feelings he had when his mother suffered headaches while he was in her
womb. Then he 'remembers', In a previous (reincarnated] life he was
captured by Indians and leather bands were twisted and tightened around
his head. He describes the intensity of the pain. . later he moves into
a 'different life' in which he is an Indian and this time a metal band
is around his head. . After several other accounts, he 'recalls' the
birth experience of his present life. Voices are saying that his head is
stuck and he feels metal on his head as he is pulled through the birth
canal. After the fourth session of hypnotic regression, his migraine
headaches had vanished."-Martin and Deidre Bobgan, Hypnosis, and
the Christian, 1984, p. 21.
spirits embed lying memories that were never there before.
[these so-called 'birth memories'] all flies in the face of the
well-known, neurological, scientific fact that the myelin sheathing
(the coating on the nerves] is too underdeveloped in the prenatal,
natal, and early postnatal brain to store such memories. David
Chamberlain, a San Diego psychologist, paradoxically reports that
people 'can indeed remember their own births in extraordinary detail'
through hypnosis, but that the birth memory is not stored in the brain!
This raises a question: If memories are not stored in the brain, where
are they stored?"-Op. cit., p. 22 (italics his).
came directly from devils.
a century ago, there was a controversy in professional circles over
whether a person under hypnosis could be told to kill someone—and he
would actually try to do it. It was recognized that if a person could be
made, under hypnosis, to do this worst of all wrong acts, then,
surely, he could be made to do any kind of wrong act!
in a well-known research experiment, a man was placed under hypnosis,
handed a gun, and told to shoot the next man that entered the room. When
the man entered, he raised the gun in a fury of anger and shot at him!
Unknown to the hypnotized subject, a thick glass wall separated him from
the doorway and the man who entered the room.
it is clear that, hypnosis can turn a kindly man into a vicious monster.
"We consistently underestimate the power of techniques like
suggestion and hypnosis. .. -E.F. Torrey, The Mind Game, 1972, p. 107.
a person under hypnosis would do something if it is made plausible and
desirable, and since reality is distorted under hypnosis, violation can
occur through the fact that the subject is in a more highly suggestible
state and the trance propagator can make almost anything plausible and
desirable. Hypnotist Simeon Edmunds cites numerous cases in his book,
Hypnotism and Psychic Phenomena to illustrate his belief that it is
possible for a hypnotist to perform an illegal act against a subject,
and that is even possible for a hypnotist to cause a subject to
perform an illegal act." -Martin and Deidre Boban, Hypnosis and the
Christian, 1984, p. 35.
there you have it. Hypnotism ought to be outlawed! There is no valid
reason for any longer permitting this devastation of the human mind. It
is fiendish, devilish, and originates in the most pagan savagery.
can witchdoctors, relying primarily on such techniques as suggestion
and hypnosis, achieve as good results as Western therapists who use
techniques so much more sophisticated?"-E. Fuller Torrey, The Mind
Game, 1972, p. 107.
is the latest fad in the medical/psychiatric world. According to
Brain/Mind, it is a combination of Eastern and Western lore and
mind/body disciplines, and over 5,000 physicians in North America and
Europe have already been trained in its use and are now using it!
("Sophrology: Neutralizing Stress, Enhancing Physical Performance,"
in Brain/Mind, October 26, 1981.) It primarily consists of Raja yoga,
Zen, and Tibetan Buddhist religious exercises.
can no longer afford the luxury of failing to determine the spiritual
status of those who treat them. Failure to ascertain that may be more
costly than a yearly medical bill. Practices that look entirely
innocent. . can become the means of occult bondage."-John Weldon
and Zola Levitt, Psychic Healing, 1982, p. 7.
with these hypnotic practices is TM (Transcendental Meditation), which
is used both by medical doctors and professionally-trained counselors
and psychologists to "heal" a variety of physical and
emotional problems. In addition to sophrology and TM, other Eastern
cultish techniques are being used by medical and psychological
personnel: yoga, astrology, the I Ching, Tantr, Tarot cards, alchemy,
and Actualism. Yet all of these are occult practices derived from
Eastern religions.
is significant that those who have been "healed" through
hypnosis, frequently later develop a different physical or mental
problem-and often a worse one, within a year or two. But, in reality,
everyone who undergoes hypnosis will have increased problems later.
The reason is simple: hypnosis was actually an initiation into spirit
control. Only resolute fleeing to God for protection can stop the
invasion of those spirits in coming months.
original organic illness is shifted higher into the psychical realm,
with the result that while the physical illness disappears, new
disorders appear in the mental and emotional life of the person
concerned, disorders which are in fact far more difficult to treat and
cure. Magical healings are therefore not really healings at all, but
merely transferences from the organic to the psychical;
level."-Kurt Kock, Demonology: Past and Present, 1973, p. 121.
would expect that most if not all of those who are occultly healed are
likely to suffer either psychologically or spiritually in some
way." -John Walden and Zola Levitt, Psychic Healing, 1982, p. 195.
whole thing is really a séance. The one doing the, hypnotizing is the
medium and the one hypnotized receives the spirits brought in.
certain Christian workers believe that some types of healing mesmerism
are dependent on neutral rather than mediumistic powers, I would say
that I have personally hardly ever come across a neutral form. Many
years of experience in this field have shown me that even in the case
of Christian mesmerisers the basic mediumship has always come to the
surface in the end." -Kurt Kock, Occult Bondage and Deliverance,
1970, p. 40.
Diamond is both an attorney and a clinical professor of psychiatry. He
often appears as "expert testimony" in court trials. Few men
in America have the professional qualifications that he has. The California
Law Review, asked him some Questions, and obtained the following
a hypnotized person be free from heightened suggestibility? The answer
is no. Hypnosis is, almost by definition, a state of increased
a hypnotist, through the exercise of skill and attention, avoid
implanting suggestions in the mind of the hypnotized subject? No, such
suggestions cannot be avoided.
awakening, can the hypnotic subject consistently recognize which of his
thoughts, feelings, and memories were his own and which were implanted
by the hypnotic experience? No. It is very difficult for human beings to
recognize that some of their own thoughts might have been implanted and
might not be the product of their own volition.
it rare for a subject to believe that he was not hypnotized when in
fact he was? No. On the contrary, very often hypnotic subjects refuse to
believe they actually went into a trance.
previously hypnotized persons restrict their memory to actual facts,
free from fantasies and confabulations? No . . Out of a desire to comply
with the hypnotist's suggestions, the subject will commonly fill in
missing details by fantasy or confabulation. "After the hypnotic
subject is awakened, do the distorting effects of the hypnosis
disappear? The evidence. . is that the effect of suggestions made during
hypnosis endures. "During or after hypnosis, can the hypnotist or
the subject himself sort out fact from fantasy in the recall? Again the
answer is no. No one, regardless of experience, can verify the
accuracy of the hypnotically enhanced memory."-Bernard L. Diamond,
"Inherent Problems in the use of Pretrial Hypnosis on a Prospective
Witness," California Law Review, March 1980, p. 333-337.
and Transcripts that Tell the Truth About Many -CHILD
Warning! ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS things you or your loved ones can do