chapter from the book “Dowsing – An Exposé of Hidden Occult
Forces”, by Ben G. Hester
is impossible to write anything on the subject of "good and
evil" and expect to reach the mind of every present-day Christian.
This is because many Christians refuse to accept the idea of a literal
being called Satan, that Satan was the original "tempter" in
the Garden of Eden, or that there is an intelligent force of evil. So in
fairness to all, we must declare ourselves so that every reader knows
without doubt from which standpoint we come.
were talking to a parapsychologist recently. He is a Godless man who
considers himself a hardheaded realist We asked him if he believed in
an active force of evil, thinking the question to him might be a stupid
non sequitur. He surprised us with his answer. "Every person who
deals with the occult knows only too well that there is an intelligent,
malevolent force out there which will move in on you when you least
expect it"
found that the "moving in" is something to be dreaded by
anyone having such an experience. Yet some Christians, in their
ignorance of reality, have taken the intellectual stance that there is
no such thing. Yes, we do recognize Satan and the active evil, and from
personal experience. We refuse to be drawn into arguments as to the
origin of the idea of Satan, whether Satan was or was not the serpent in
the Garden of Eden, or the niceties of the role of Satan presently. We
know him and what he does from personal exposure, which, even the above
mentioned parapsychologist agreed was the real thing.
in considering dowsing from a Christian viewpoint, we believe that
good and evil play an important part, and are crucial to its
understanding. We do not recognize the Universal Mind theory or reincarnation
as worthy of consideration simply because they are anti-biblical and
anti-Christian. Also, we do not accept, in spite of the attempts of some
Christians, that the idea of evolution is compatible with the story of
creation. All of these points are of prime importance in a consideration
of dowsing.
Power Sources
being able to think of any others whom we must alienate, may we get on
with it. If this intelligent power source is believed to come from outer
space or other worlds, it must be remembered that this idea only
attempts to link science fiction and the Ufonaut to something that is
not in the Bible. If there are any other inhabited worlds, and there is
no denying that possibility, there is no biblical evidence that any
other planet has experienced the disobedience to God's universal law
as we did. In other words, there is no biblical hint that other worlds,
if there are such, are 'sinful' as we are. Since we were created
full-fledged, highly intelligent beings, and disobedience was not
necessary to fulfill our holy destiny, and since we have obviously
deteriorated since we disobeyed, we seem to be unique in the universe.
To speculate that other worlds were created any less than perfect
carries the exercise too far. Therefore if there are other worlds, and
if the inhabitants could visit us, they could not lie to us or harm us,
both of which are elements of dowsing and the UFO phenomenon (which
continually 'crops up' in the dowsing picture).
Christian who believes in disembodied spirits (spirits of the dead) will
fit one of two classifications. Either he believes that the spirit of
the dead goes on to its immediate reward, or it stays somewhere in limbo
(paradise?) waiting for that great day when its body will be resurrected
and given back to it perfected. There is, of course, another
classification of believers who believe that the dead only sleep,
awaiting the resurrection. Certainly, if "the dead know not
anything", they cannot come back. If they have "gone on to
their just reward" they cannot be the source either. The dowsing
power source is historically, and presently amoral, so the perfected
spirit could not be the source, and the spirit in hell would certainly
not be allowed to come back to be a dowser's mentor. There is just no
biblical justification for such a theory. This leaves the spirits in
limbo; there are two facts that render this theory untenable. It is not
biblically substantiated, and the abilities of the dowsing power source
are positively superhuman. They include total recall of the past, the
ability to foretell the future, superhuman knowledge of all things, and
the power to over-ride our laws of physics. There is no reason to
believe that a yet imperfect human spirit could suddenly acquire such
many dowsers are convinced that the power source is an entity, in fact a
spirit of a dead person. One such case, of which we have personal
knowledge, is that of a dowser-teacher who held a dowsing seminar in an
adjoining city. He allowed us to tape record his classes, and we have
those tapes. He stated flatly that several well known historical figures
were his "spirit guides". This man was a sincere, humble and
able dowser. He expressed his surprise to the class that he should have
been singled out for the attention of these spirits. One of those he
told about was the spirit of the prophet Moses.
all due respect for this man's honesty and sincerity, the picture of the
spirit of such a great figure as Moses placing itself at the beck and
call of a stick waving dowser, much as if it were a genie to be brought
out of a bottle at will is, to say the least, preposterous. To add to
the insult by using this spirit to make a woman ill because she
inconvenienced him, and to boast with a chuckle that he could use this
same means to make a man in Chicago "sick as a dog" from his
photograph, is so out of character as to be impossible. Yet this man is
a highly intelligent person with his emotions under normal control. This
was positive reality to him. The rather obvious explanation of this is
that this man has been misled by some power source that lied to him
convincingly. This instance is not rare—it is commonplace in the
occult scene. Who are they? What are they trying to do?
Power Source Identified
Bible gives a most positive answer to this. The references may easily be
found in both Testaments. They are described, and the inference is clear
that they have been a commonplace occurrence in the life of mankind
since Adam disobeyed. They are positively identified. There is clear
warning that the spirits must be tested to prove their origin before
having anything to do with them. The manner of testing them is made
plain. The deceiving spirits are identified as evil angels-those who
chose to be on the side of Lucifer who became Satan, and whose one and
only intention is to deceive mankind and to lead away from the one true
God. These deceiving spirit entities, benevolent, seemingly honest,
sincere and wise, historically and presently lead mankind away from God
by being truthful just enough to establish acceptance, and then the
completely destroying lie is slipped in as innocently as if it were a
continuation of the preceding truths. These lies are anti-God, every one
of them.
there are spirit entities. There are two classes. Only one of them is
amoral, lying, and hurtful. They are among us, and have been since Eden.
They can materialize at will and convince us of reality that is not so.
They are masters of the hoax. Eve, our first mother, and presumably the
most intelligent woman ever to have lived was taken in by the first
hoax lie, ". . . ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil"
without the least hint of the terrible consequences that accompanied the
risk. They have been successfully hoaxing the intelligent among us
ever since. According to the Bible, they were created as a higher
classification of beings than man. Since their rebellion they have
used this higher condition (which all of us know well) to defraud us.
They fit every known need in an understanding of the occult. We submit
that dowsing is an occult act, and has been known as such from ancient
Gigantic Hoax as Seen Today
fact that dowsing has an undeniable physical element does not detract
from an understanding of its occult aspects. There need not be any
confusion over this. It is simply a fact that the physical element of
the occult is not truly the physics of our planet, which it can and does
over-ride. It is also a fact that the physical part of the occult is not
even consistent It seems to be used at the whim of the particular spirit
or spirits confronting us at that time. It cannot be denied that there
is gamma radiation from within the earth, and that there is an
incredibly weak radiation from living cells, and that some inanimate
objects radiate energies. However, the picture that emerges from a close
examination of dowsing reveals a twisting of facts and an adding to our
physical phenomena. Sometimes there is evidence of the abrogation of our
laws of physics. Again, it is the old trick of using our reality or
truths just enough to bait our curiosity, and we are like moths to a
flame. We cannot leave it alone. We submit that all of the occult
elements of the parapsychological phenomenon are a part of a gigantic
hoax to lead man away from God. They are contradictory, undependable,
and will not repeat in a scientific manner. The parapsychologist plays
with them, or he demands that we restructure our physical laws to
include things of the "etheric". This is also the method of
the dowsing world. It has been in their literature since the turn of the
century. We believe that our presentation has made this plain.
great cry today is to stop condemning the unknown. Those who wish to
withhold acceptance until identification and proof are forthcoming are
ridiculed. There is an almost senseless demand that the unknowns of what
used to be known as the occult world be presently included in the
unknowns of the scientific world (Le. quantum physics). It is time we
awoke to the intellectual dishonesty (or is it plain stupidity?) of this
cry. We hope to present adequate clarification of this accusation.
Christian Dowser
consider the plight of the Christian dowser. If he, or she, is ignorant
of the psychic elements he may take rod in hand and go out to find
water, nothing more. He does not know that by his decision to dowse also
for an ore of his choosing, his rod will oblige. He may not know that
other Christian dowsers dowse for ores thinking that that also is a
purely physical act. We know of Christian dowsers who have used it as a
tool for their own use and to help others for almost a lifetime. It is
impossible to accuse them of being occultists, yet they have been using
an occult method in ignorance and innocence. This is truly innocent
involvement. We wish to discuss this later.
there are Christian dowsers who do know, but they find the desire, or
necessity, great enough to take the chance. They may never experience
any inkling of occult involvement unless they become conscience stricken
and desire to stop. They often confess to having prayed for protection,
or they tell themselves that this must be a gift from God, suspecting
all the while that it just may be something else. Not once have we ever
heard one of them admit to having tested the spirits, or that they
prayed for enlightenment. We have heard the dowser's smiling prayer,
"If this is not from You, do not let it happen!" to show us
how wrong we were in our opinion. The rod always worked perfectly after
such a prayer. Against this we would present case histories of where
prayer stopped the dowsing rod cold! We will also relate case histories
of water wells being found by prayer alone.
will also relate the findings of Christian counselors that tell of the
effects of the dowsing experience. We will point out that involvement
in the occult almost always occurs in noticeable "steps", just
one at a time, with the first one so casual and innocent as to be
undetectable. We are certain that dowsing is one of those first steps,
and from the Christian standpoint we hope to prove it.
often, the Christian dowser simply justifies his actions by the acts of
someone else. "But Pastor X is a dowser, and he is certainly a holy
man! Don't tell me it is Satanic!" We wonder if this holy man
committed adultery, and it has happened, would it justify the act? Some
consider it to be of so little significance in the light of what greater
awful things are being done, that surely nothing will come of it.
However this is entirely different from the ordinary committed mistake
or sin. In this case the dowser is deliberately putting his hand in the
hand of Satan for services rendered. Experience will show them as it has
for many before, that just one such contact is all that is necessary for
being introduced to the next step or temptation. We are not theorizing.
We are dealing in hard facts.
Trickery of Satan
once the Devil is seen in the dowsing act, the seemingly outlandish
question of Satan's ability to 'do good', and man's using evil or an
evil source to do good raises its ugly head. The apostle Paul wrote
letters to the fledgling churches or communities in the then civilized
world. In those letters he tackled the problems that faced the new and
inexperienced Christians. He wrote of these two problems which evidently
existed from the beginnings of Christianity. He encouraged them to take
a firm stand in a letter to the Christians in Corinth (2 Corinthians
11:13,14) he spoke of false pastors (apostles) and warned the people
against them saying that they deceitfully acted like true apostles. Then
he went on to say that this was no marvel, for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light." As an angel of light, good and
truth must appear to be there or men would not be deceived. If Satan
were to appear and act like a monster, or the horned red devil of
artist's depiction, he could never deceive a single soul.
trickery that entraps a Christian is something that appears so
delightfully sane, true and good that the lie slipped in to entrap is
swallowed with the rest. There is a real world of evil that most people
never know about, would not recognize, and certainly will not accept as
real. The occultist and parapsychologist know it well and avoid it at
all costs. Stepping into it is physically, mentally and spiritually
again to the parapsychologist who recognized the reality of intelligent
evil, he telephoned us one night in desperate trouble. He begged us to
talk and keep talking to him since he needed "the reality of your
voice". He told us that the occult blackness had moved into his
house as punishment. He had to wait until it chose to leave to see to
dial the phone. This total blackness is so feared that suicide is
considered a welcome escape. It engenders a panic fear that is above
anything ordinarily experienced. He confessed, what at no other time he
might, that he had inadvertently been reading something in "that
(expletive) Christian line!" This, he was forbidden to do. He
stated it clearly, "I am not allowed to read that stuff. If I do,
they move in on me." People laugh at Martin Luther's statement that
when the Devil appeared before him, he threw his inkwell at him. Those
of us who have never experienced that personal confrontation are very
fortunate, because it just happens to be reality.. The point is, and we
repeat it to drive it home, Satan is real, he is the worst enemy of
mankind, and he deceives by assuming the role of goodness. He does this
just enough to lull and entrap. Then, if one steps out of line, the
whipping is immediate and severe.
End Justifies the Means
also addressed himself to the problem of using evil to do good, so this
too is nothing new. In his letter to the Christians in Rome* he stated
that the non-believer's gossip that these new Christians were doing evil
that good might come of it simply was not true. He wrote that they even
charged the Christians with actually saying, "Let us do evil that
good might come of it" No, the text does not continue with an
exhortation against the use of evil to do good. The strength of the text
is that both the letter-writer and the recipients were so aware of the
moral standard, there was no need to belabor the point Paul's obvious
reason for mentioning it was to voice a scathing denunciation of those
so slanderous of his brethren. This obviously raises a question a
non-Christian may never understand.
perfect case in point is the news story about a Christian dowser who,
with the financial help of his church brethren, went to the refugee
camps in Cambodia early in 1980 to find water wells for the desperately
thirsty refugees. There was supposed to be no underground potable water
in that area. Wells had been dug to no avail. He dowsed well after well
of good water. The photograph in the press of children gathered around a
stream of water coming out of a hand pump, and the expression on their
faces was answer enough to the question of the dowser's success.
Grants Pass, Oregon, Paul Macomber, a staff writer for the Grants Pass
Daily Courier, wrote up the story and was shocked at the letters he
received from Christians who condemned the dowser for his act of sorcery
to do a good deed. In the May 30 issue of the Courier, Macomber answered
these charges. He retold the story and remarked on the dowsing debate
that is old and will probably continue "for generations to
come". He admitted to being a skeptic, but he also found it
difficult to credit the Devil with success and goodness. He stated that
faith has much to do with the acceptance of things not having
"conventional scientific explanations" and he felt it is easy
to give God the credit for those things of which we approve, and blame
the Devil for the things with which we do not agree. He agreed that life
would be simpler if God would supply annotations to the Bible every year
or so to update it and clarify which things were "heaven sent and
which are the work of the devil"
he said, our guideline is to know people "by their fruits". He
ended with the question of who is really to blame, the man who did the
truly altruistic deed, or the people sitting in their easy chairs
finding evil in things they do not understand, and passing judgment on
people they do not even know.
wrote us that his column was not aimed only at the critics of witching.
He just did not believe, he said that" either God or civilization
is served by hollering 'evil' and pointing fingers." He only hoped
for a more thoughtful dialogue. He said that on the bottom line he
wondered whether it made any difference how the refugees were helped; by
prayer, committed volunteers, financial aid, or democratic process, as
long as God gets the glory.
are certain, even from our limited contact with Paul Macomber, that he
is an honest man and a good reporter. His editorial reply to the
critical Christians seemed to be aimed at their "holier than
thou" attitude, yet the overall thought of his comments summed up
by, ". . . I really wonder how much difference it makes. . . as
long as God gets the glory instead of a black eye on behalf of his
believers," epitomizes this problem that has always haunted
Christians. The Jesuits put it more succinctly in their motto, "The
End Justifies the Means". Carried to its extremes it has been a
blot on the face of Christianity, yet in its less violent aspects it
still poses a question of ethics a Christian must face.
is, perhaps, no way that criticism of this dowser could be made without
the critic being labeled an unfeeling, self-righteous, carping skunk,
yet does the Christian have the right to use a pagan act of divination
to do good? The Bible says no! and for a very good reason. It offers
another means to the same end, and peculiarly Christian. It is what is
called 'prayer'. The idea of finding a water well by prayer would be
laughable to most Christians today because it is just not done that way
and it could not be done so if one wanted to. Oh yes it is being done
so. The history of this way of doing the impossible goes back to the
earliest Christians who were solving their problems in the name of Jesus
Christ. Our dilemma today is that we have slipped so far from those days
of real faith we do exactly as accused by Paul Macomber. We sit in our
easy chairs, say it can't be done, and find fault with the doers. What
an unbelievable witness for Christianity finding those wells in Cambodia
by prayer would have been!
Only Alternative to Dowsing
collecting anecdotes about locating water wells by prayer, or the
experiences of dowsing and prayer, we ran across one outstanding fact.
Regardless of the interpretation we hear made of certain biblical
promises concerning it, prayer cannot be used in the same sense one used
dowsing! Success in locating water wells by prayer is recorded. Complete
failure is also recorded. There are case histories of the dowsing rod
being stopped cold by prayer, as well as bitter disappointment because
there was no reaction from prayer. This is reality, so there must be a
reason. Since God cannot lie, does not change, and has promised answer
to prayer, the answer has to be in the supplicant.
places us in the uncomfortable position of apparently standing in
judgment on the Christian who has failed to receive such an answer. This
we dare not do, but in justice to the Christian reader whom we might
have persuaded to try prayer as an alternative, we must point out that
there are facts to consider. The easiest answer is to write it all off
as chance-however one wishes to do it However, this is not honesty. Some
of the case histories of well-finding by prayer contain facts that make
the odds against chance too great. So, if prayer does work only part of
the time, why? If we have heard one story about answered prayer, we have
heard three of unanswered prayer.
to return to the problem of using prayer. To explain this, the use of
dowsing must be reconsidered. Any person, pagan, Christian, or
whatever, can with faith, use dowsing to his own ends. One learns the
formula and the use of that power is at his finger tips. Not so of
prayer. This is not to say that the Christian who gets no affirmative
answer is in reality evil-it is more complex than that. In talking to
that very small minority of present-day Christians who do receive
phenomenal answers to prayer, it is apparent that the first factor is
the complete dedication of their lives to Jesus Christ. (That
eliminates much of what we others accept as a normal way of life-no
details necessary.) The second factor is the daily dedication of their
wills to God. ("Thy will be done" is obviously the most
difficult prayer imaginable.) The third factor is their continuing
effort to ascertain God's will before making a specific prayer request.
(How many of us would think of spending time in prayer to ascertain if
we should purchase that piece of property in the country. We see it, we
like it, we buy it!) Every anecdote of answered prayer we have run
across has had one common, and seemingly important factor. The prayer
was one of humble supplication. It was not a phone call to take
advantage of an advertised offer. There are other elements of unanswered
(or refused) prayer that we just do not understand. We only record what
we have witnessed in the dowsing scene.
does seem that successful request prayers are dependent on the kind of
Christian experience that places the will of God uppermost, the sincere
offer of one's self to be used by God, and the humble placement of the
personal need before Him. It seems to be something like a
child-to-father relationship with the attendant sensitive communication.
Few of us are privileged to know this firsthand. It points up the fact
that there is nothing in common with the request to occult power. We
will remark on this later. First, there is the matter of locating water
wells by prayer.
are two illustrations of the use of prayer in finding water where it was
either difficult to find, or there was supposed to be none there. Note a
significant difference in this prayer method and dowsing. In 1980, a
sincere Christian man and wife in northern California had to have a
water well to live on the country acreage they owned. They were urged to
call in a dowser. They believed dowsing to be sorcery, so they would
have none of it. They prayed about it repeatedly, not having the least
idea of how the answer might come. Finally the day came when the driller
arrived and they still had no answer, yet they still held to their
belief that prayer was the right way. The driller approached them,
dowsing rod in hand. They told him they did not want the property
dowsed. In complete misunderstanding of their reason, he assured them
there would be no charge for the dowsing. They repeated their refusal,
and asked him to wait for a few minutes. They went into the house to
pray one last time. When they came out again, the man pointed to a spot
convenient to the kitchen and said, "Drill there." The
resultant well turned out to be one of the best in the area.
Maybe, however there was one curious fact about this well. It so
happened that water in this region was so difficult to find, a stream
had to be located and penetrated to get any water at all!
second anecdote is about a couple in France, Luc and Patricia Fouchard
who live near La Chapelle in southern France. this area is the typically
hot, dry country where irrigation is a necessity. The Fouchards have a
small, self-supporting rehabilitation center for youth there, and an
important part of their program is the youth participation in an
extensive organic farming project. So water in adequate quantities is a
prime necessity. The water supply, as it was several years ago,
diminished during the hot summer so that one field after another had to
be abandoned, and finally there was not enough for bathing or flushing
the toilets. With forty to sixty people at the center, this became an
impossible situation. Something had to be done. The four drilled wells
that had been put down in the past were failures. Finally some Christian
friends in the U. S. raised enough money to drill once more. Consultation
with geologists and local people who knew the area, elicited the
discouraging information that water there could probably not be found-at
any depth. Everyone involved prayed earnestly, right up to the time of
arrival of the driller. He set up to drill and hit an abundant supply of
water at only 45 feet, and it held right through the dry summertime.
the two above wells had been dowsed, these successes would be casually
accepted. However, since they were not, one is tempted to think in terms
of chance. Yet, was it any more of a miracle to have found water in
these unlikely places by prayer than by dowsing? Is it any more
questionable that God could, or would, put it into the minds of these
prayerful Christians where to locate the well than to accept the idea of
another supernatural intelligence transferring this knowledge through
the dowsing rod? Did it really require any more faith to believe that
prayer would result in the finding of water than the dowser exercises in
picking up the witching rod? For anyone who has not yet learned the
power of prayer, or who has no geologist friend, or knows an 'old timer'
who knows 'the lay of the land', or does not live in an area close
enough to a scientist who has a scintillation counter to be able to
afford his services, dowsing may seem the only way out. At least it will
be a big temptation. They must decide whether it is worth it to make a
pact with Satan for this convenience. We use the word 'pact' with good
reason. It is recognized that Satan's one purpose toward the human race
is to cause the loss of souls. Therefore Satan only 'does business' with
a person toward that selfish end. Also, therefore, if a person accepts a
favor from Satan, he is indebted- he has made a pact of a favor for
what? Satan then has a claim upon him. He has also weakened himself for
the next temptation which will come. It will not be just any temptation,
but one tempting just a little larger step into the occult. This is a
recorded fact. The Christian cannot afford the smallest step in that
it is time to look at the problem of the innocent dowser. It is shocking
to find Christians who refuse to believe such a thing is possible. They
believe that the innocent will be protected from such a thing. However,
reality proves it is not always true, and since God is loving and good,
there must be a reason. In the occult world, there are two ways it may
occur. It may be inherited! The entire occult world knows this and a few
religious writers remark on it. One hears the statement, "My
grandmother was a water witch, so was my mother, and it comes natural to
me." Or, "My mother was a sensitive, so was her mother and
grandmother." This is generally followed by an unusual tale of
unasked-for occult ability by the person making the statement. The world
of witchcraft is proud of it and it is not 'an old wives' tale'. We know
this from personal experience. Thus it is that an innocent one may be
called to fight the psychic the same as an inherited disease or mental
problem. However, if occult power has not been inherited, then the
innocent has had to learn it. He may have been misled by someone in whom
he has implicit faith, or perhaps no reason not to. Or, it appeared to
be convenient. We know of a sincere Christian woman who was shocked and
unbelieving when told that the Ouija Board she was using to advise her
was, in fact, not a God-given answer board but a Satanic device.
had inherited large landholdings she was unable to handle. She heard of
the Ouija Board and purchased one in her need. It worked fine. When one
thinks of the innocent, it is generally the picture of a sweet
innocent-faced child. There is no argument against the obvious
circumstances of protection that we all know. However, there is a
difference in the circumstance of the child walking along the edge of a
cliff, and using a dowsing rod, which she was taught to use,
"because children are such apt pupils and learn to dowse so
quickly". When she picks up the dowsing rod to astonish her adult
audience, she is actively playing with 'an intelligent, amoral force'
that wants just one thing— her destruction. How much more foolish is
her action if she is a grown woman with perception.
author's mother was a staunch Christian, but also a natural-born
telepath. She used it innocently enough, but looking back, we realize it
was directly responsible for the catastrophe that befell her and for
which she paid dearly. Now, in many years of retrospect we realize she
never once made personal application of the knowledge she had about the
occult. Was God to blame because she was not protected from herself?
This is an extremely complex situation, and it is altogether too easy
to close the mind to its reality and to blame God. We make no claim to
have answered the question fully. Perhaps only 'on the other side' will
the answer be known.
is completely incompatible with the understanding we have of a loving
God that a person could be held accountable in a judgmental way for
innocent wrongdoing. It is also true that it seldom happens that our
wrongdoing is entirely innocent. We generally have some inkling of the
true nature of the desire or temptation. This brings us to the hurt we
bring upon ourselves by our wrong acts. It is a common occurrence to
abandon common sense, and when payment time comes about we cry to God
for extrication. Sometimes in old age and looking back is the first time
this is seen clearly.