

Appendix 1 - Tithing throughout the Bible 

Here you will find quoted every passage in the Bible which mentions the tithe.

Appendix 2 - Our Contract with God

An inspirational devotional study which you will draw strength from and value.

 Appendix 3  - The Second Tithe

What about offerings and the second tithe? Here is helpful information you can use.

 Appendix 4  - The Larson Analysis

Elder Ralph Larson is an Adventist pastor and evangelist of many years experience. His counsel is very much appreciated.

 Appendix 5  - What Is Tithe Exchange? (Only in the book)

This is an analysis of the system of tithe exchange, as practiced in our denomination, which the present writer prepared in 1988 (What Is Tithe Exchange? [PG-43]).

 Appendix 6  - An Improper Council Action  (Only in the book)

The October 1994 Annual Council voted that all church entities and church-owned ministries must quietly and secretly return all tithe sent them, by supporters, to the conference in which the donor resides. This is a July 1985 analysis of that ruling by the present writer.

A copy of the official 1984 Annual Council resolution is included. You will note that, on the last page, the admission is made that "tithe ex­change" between conferences and unions regu­larly occurs. This policy permits conferences to use tithe funds for non-tithe purposes. (What Is Tithe Exchange? [PG-43]).

 Appendix 7  - The NAD Tithe Misappropriation Policy

As might be expected, such approved minis­tries as the Voice of Prophecy, etc., fought the ruling for years. So, in November 1992, the NAD Year-End Meeting enacted a resolution that all officially recognized independent ministries in North America (Voice of Prophecy, Faith for To­day, Amazing Facts, Adventist Frontier Missions, etc.) must henceforth secretly send all known tithe donations to the conference office covering the territory in which the donor lives. The noose was tightening. Some stalling still continued; but, as of January 1, 1995, the last of the church ­approved ministries (those at Adventist Media Center and Amazing Facts) began obeying the ruling. This is a January 1995 analysis of that action, by the present writer (The NAD Tithe Misappropriation Policy-Part 1-3 [WM-580­582]).

 Appendix 8  - The R. W. Nixon Statement  (Only in the book)

Ever since 1987, the General Conference has been embroiled in trademark or other lawsuits; yet the immense cost of them (the Hawaii trade­mark litigation alone cost them several million) has been paid out of the sacred tithe paid into their local churches by faithful church members. On April 10, 1989, Robert Nixon, an in-house attorney at the General Conference who from the beginning has overseen the trademark lawsuits, explained in a letter that all costs of all the law­suits are paid entirely from tithe funds (Questions We Are Asked about the Marik Case-Part 1, page 4 [WM-356J).



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