Will Women’s Ordination
Explode at Toronto?

We live
in a remarkable time in Adventist Church history. While the General
Conference busies itself with suing Seventh-day Adventist believers, in
order to stop them from being historic Seventh-day Adventists, worldly
liberals in very good standing in the church are busily at work, defying
General Conference rules—and they are not penalized for doing so.
There are indications that these liberals will once
again bring up the women’s ordination issue at the Toronto General
Conference Session, which will convene in a few weeks (June 29-July 8,
2000). We hope that no explosion will occur, and that our historic
beliefs will be maintained by our overseas delegates. Yet only time will
tell what the outcome will be.
There is no doubt that Adventist feminists and
liberals are increasingly carrying out acts of rebellion, calculated to
send shock waves into Toronto—and frighten the delegates into acceding
to their demands.
(It should be noted that, by early spring 2000, the
women’s ordination was not an active Toronto agenda item. But recent
developments, discussed in this tract, may force a reconsideration of
the matter by that five-year assembly of church leaders.)
It is clear that, on many issues in our denomination,
there are a variety of strong, contending forces opposing one another.
The various sides are unwilling to relent, and the church seems as
though it will shake itself to pieces.
Yet if we would all unite in obedience to the Bible
and the Spirit of Prophecy writings, great peace would be restored to
our midst and the final message of obedience by faith could be
powerfully carried to the world.
A brief overview of certain events, spanning the last
decade, will help you better understand the strong drive set in motion
by the liberals among us to yet ram through their objectives at the
forthcoming Session.
objectives of Adventist liberals and feminists is full ministerial
ordination of women in the church. By a vote of 1,173 to 377 the
delegates, from the world field, assembled at the 1990 Indianapolis
Session, rejected the call to ordain women as pastors. When they failed
to obtain their goal at that Session, Adventist modernists set to work,
devising ways to win at the 1995 Utrecht Session.
A significant part of the plan was the authorship of
a book outlining their speculations and unBiblical theories on the
subject. In early 1995, it was completed, and copies were sent in
advance to every world leader and all the Session delegates.
The name of the book was The Welcome Table:
Setting a Table for Ordained Women. The "fourteen prominent SDA
historians, theologians, and professionals" who contributed essays
to this book included names you will be familiar with: Bert Haloviak,
Kit Watts, Raymond F. Cottrell, Donna Jeane Haerich, David R. Larson,
Fritz Guy, Edwin Zackrison, Halcyon Westphal Wilson, Sheryll Prinz-McMillan,
Joyce Hanscom Lorntz, V. Norskov Olsen, Ralph Neall, Ginger Hanks
Harwood, and Iris M. Yob.
According to Lawrence T. Geraty’s comment on the
back of the book, it was widely promoted in the church as—
". . a definitive collection of essays for our
time from respected church leaders—both women and men. Informed,
balanced, mission-oriented, and thoroughly Adventist, this book—like
Esther of old—has ‘come to the kingdom for such a time as
The release of Welcome Table was timed to
influence the 1995 Utrecht General Conference Session, yet its teachings
were outrageously liberal. Bible passages bearing on the subject of
male-female relations in the home and church were said to be flawed by
faulty logic on the part of Bible writers or erroneous ancient rabbinic
interpretations. The authors of Welcome Table applied feminist
and higher-critical theories to the Bible and muddled clear Biblical
One Adventist New Testament scholar, Keith A. Burton,
gave the book careful analysis and concluded:
"The table around which we are warmly invited to
sit is one that already accommodates those who have attacked the
relevance of Biblical authority."—Unpublished Andrews
University manuscript, 1995.
feminists and liberals failed at Indianapolis, they set to work to win
at Utrecht. But once again they failed. By a vote of 1,481 to 673, the
delegates refused the North American Division request, to ordain women
in its own territory. Once again, our modernists set to work, to write
still another book which would be published and sent in advance to world
leaders and Session delegates.
They have done just that. The book is called Women
in Ministry. Carefully written over several years time, the target
audience is the delegates to the Summer 2000 Toronto Session.
Here is the story behind this book:
1998 meeting of the pro-ordination group, Association of Adventist Women
(AAW), held in Loma Linda, Nancy Vyhmeister, chairwoman of the Seminary
Ad Hoc Committee and editor of the book, Women in Ministry,
provided some helpful historical background. She told them that the book
was written because leaders in the North American Division territory
demanded that logical arguments be devised to support their demand for
women’s ordination. Here are some details:
Vyhmeister said that, in the wake of the Utrecht
defeat of the North American Division petition for women’s ordination
at Utrecht, some people blamed the Seminary at Andrews University for
having sent a man, P. Gerard Damsteegt, to speak at Utrecht; he had
powerfully spoken against women’s ordination. But the leaders at
Andrews said that Damsteegt was invited by someone else, even before
they knew about it.
According to Vyhmeister, the initial request for the
book came from "several union presidents of the North American
Division" who, before and during the 1995 Utrecht Session, had
urged the North American Division president that there be "no
turning back" in their campaign for women’s ordination.
When, therefore, less than a month after Utrecht
"several" North American leaders met with the Seminary faculty
and told them, "You let us down [at Utrecht]; you’re against
women’s ordination,"—every representative of the Seminary who
was at the meeting insisted that they were not against women’s
ordination. In fact, Nancy said, about 90% of the Seminary faculty favor
women’s ordination. "Then do something about it!" one
union president demanded. They asked for "a clarification of the
Adventist theology of ordination, culminating in the ordination of
Dr. Werner Vyhmeister, dean of the Seminary and
Nancy’s husband, also present at that meeting, told the presidents
that the Dean’s Council would initiate a solution. Shortly afterward,
that council appointed a fifteen-person committee "to study the
subject of hermeneutics and ordination." ("Hermeneutics"
is the interpretation of ancient writings, thought to contain the truth,
in order to understand their inner meaning. In other words, the
committee was formed to explain away the clear passages of Scripture
which oppose the idea of women ministers.)
The committee was given the name, "Ad Hoc
Committee" ("ad hoc" means "for this one
purpose"). The 15 persons on the committee were Nancy Vyhmeister
and 14 teachers from the six departments of the Seminary: Jo Ann
Davidson, Richard Davidson, Walter Douglas, Jacques Doukhan, Roger
Dudley, Jon Dybdahl, Denis Fortin, Robert Johnston, George Knight, Jerry
Moon, Larry Richards, Russell Staples, Peter van Bemmelen, and Randal
Wisbey. Five others also wrote for the book; these included two Andrews
students (Michael Bernoi and Alicia Worley), two retired Seminar
professors (Daniel Augsburger and Raoul Dederen), and one undergraduate
professor (Keith Mattingly). Only committed pro-ordination liberals were
permitted to have a part in producing the book.
SEVERAL UNION PRESIDENTS—In the prologue of the
book, Nancy Vyhmeister tells more about the concern of those union
"Less than one month after the Utrecht vote
[rejecting autonomy for Divisions regarding women’s ordination],
several union presidents of the North American Division met with the
faculty of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, still asking
the same question: May a woman legitimately be ordained to pastoral
ministry? If so, on what basis? If not, why not? What are the issues
involved—hermeneutics? Bible and theology? custom and culture? history
and tradition? pragmatism and missiological [world evangelization]
needs? And furthermore, how could all these facets of the issue be
presented in a logical, coherent manner? Would the Seminary faculty
please address these questions and provide answers?"—Vyhmeister,
"Prologue," Women in Ministry, p. 1.
When we delved into the writing, promotion, and
distribution of this heavily slanted book, we learned that a number of
very influential groups in the denomination are backing it:
THE ADVENTIST SEMINARY—Significantly, in early
1999, Roger L. Dudley, the author of one of the chapters in the book,
said this:
"It is important to note that Women in
Ministry represents the official view of the Seminary and the
position of virtually all of its faculty. Whatever the book may
accomplish in the church at large, it is the hope of the [Seminary Ad
Hoc] committee that it will demonstrate that the Seminary faculty stands
for sound Biblical and historical scholarship on this contemporary and
controversial issue."—Roger Dudley, Adventist Today,
January-February 1999, p. 6.
The Adventist Seminary is on the campus of Andrews
University; both are General Conference (not Lake Union) institutions.
What is the position of Andrews University regarding this controversy?
ANDREWS UNIVERSITY—At the above-mentioned
October 1998 Loma Linda meeting of the Association of Adventist Women,
Vyhmeister said this: "With the total support of the University and
Seminary administration, and with the support of about 90% of the
Seminary faculty, the book came out." Do not forget that the book
itself (Women in Ministry) was published by Andrews
to the official introduction of the book at a special Seminary chapel
assembly on October 7, 1998, and a press release by the public relations
office of Andrews University,—the book is also being used as a
textbook and required reading material in several other Adventist
colleges and universities (Prove All Things, p. 42.)
NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION—It is clear that the
North American Division fully stands behind this book. We know this
because of its October 7-10, 1997, Year-end Meeting decision to publish
a major paper, calling for full inclusion of women in the ministry on
all levels of the church as soon as possible (see NAD Women
Pastors’ Document [WM–888-890]).
distributing Women in Ministry in Adventist Book Centers
throughout the world field!
is the department which oversees pastors throughout the world and
publishes Ministry magazine. At Loma Linda, Vyhmeister said that
the book has the "total support" of Andrews University, the
Seminary, and the Ministerial Department of the General Conference.
been one-sided book reviews, heavily praising the book, Women in
Ministry, in the Adventist Review (April 15, 1999, p. 29) and
Ministry magazines (January 1999). Yet both are General
Conference—not North American Division—journals, and the world
church has twice rejected that which they are giving their approval to.
Calvin Rock, a General Conference vice-president,
wrote this in the April 15, 1999, issue of the Review:
"The Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the
broader Christian community, are indebted to the 20 authors of Women
in Ministry for producing such a thoughtful, thorough treatment of
the major aspects of the question ‘Should Women be ordained as pastors
in the Seventh-day Adventist Church?’ . . [The book employs] skillful
exegesis of Scripture and careful examination of relevant E. G. White
materials,’ showing why ‘liberating knowledge of contextual and
linguistic backgrounds is absolutely necessarly vital in ecclesiastical
debate . . [and] offers a sterling challenge to those who see Scripture
as forbidding women’s ordination. And it provides welcome data for
those who support women’s ordination but who lack professional
materials to bolster their belief and convincing insights for those who
have not known quite how or what to decide . . [The book is a] deeply
spiritual, highly reasoned, consistently logical approach to the issue
of women’s ordination."—Calvin Rock, "Review of Women
in Ministry," Adventist Review, April 15, 1999, p. 29.
years’ work on the book, Women in Ministry was published in
September 1998. Immediately, copies were placed in Adventist Book
Centers throughout the world field, as well as being mailed to church
leaders everywhere. Prior to the Toronto Session, a copy was sent to
every delegate.
It is not often that a book is written by demand of
union conference presidents. But Women in Ministry had this
unusual backing. Eighteen months before the book was completed and
printed, its radical content and objectives were stated in a
pro-feminist journal:
"The Adventist Church structure, however
legitimate, has not been, historically, an exact replica of biblical
patterns of ministry. While accepting the decision of the Adventist
Church not to ordain women at this time, as voted at the 1995
General Conference Session in Utrecht, the book will attempt to provide
data on which to base future decisions."—Adventist
Today, March-April 1997 [all emphasis in quotations are ours].
After the book was published, an official press
release from the Public Relations Office of Andrews University included
this warning comment:
"Whether the book will signal a shift in the
worldwide Adventist Church remains to be seen. In Utrecht, conservative
factions from Latin America and Africa voted down the women’s
ordination question. The next General Conference Session, to be held in
Toronto, Canada, in the year 2000, could be the site of another
theological firestorm if the North American Church pushes the issue."—Jack
Stenger, "Andrews Professors Address Women’s Ordination"
Andrews University Press Release, October 22, 1998.
Calvin Rock, a strong advocate of women’s
ordination and the General Conference vice-president who chaired the
women’s ordination business session at Utrecht, wrote this:
"Though unfortunately too late to inform prior
[Utrecht] debate, my opinion is that Women in Ministry has the
potential to be determinative in future [General Conference Session]
discussion."—Calvin Rock, "Review of Women in the
Ministry," Adventist Review, April 15, 1999, p. 29.
The real reason for the book is "doing something
about Utrecht."
And what is it that is going to be done? Either the
delegates at Toronto will back down, under these continual threats or
various parts of the North American Division may take the law into their
own hands—and the women’s ordination rebellion may intensify.
But this book is only part of a several-pronged
effort to prod the forthcoming Toronto Session into changing its vote.
Here are four other developments:
the October 13, 1995 Year-end Meeting of the North American Division,
which was attended by every union conference leader, a commission was
appointed to "expand the role of women in ministry" and
"affirm women in pastoral and other spiritual ministries" (Introduction
to "President’s Commission on Women in Ministry: Report").
At that same Year-end Meeting, a majority of NAD
presidents adopted a Statement of Commitment to Women in Gospel
Ministry, in which they reaffirmed their belief "in the
biblical rightness of women’s ordination" and pledged their
support for a clarification of the church’s theology of ordination.
That occurred some three months before January 1996,
when the Seminary appointed its Ad Hoc Committee to write the book. Why
was there a need for the Seminary to write a book on the subject after
the leaders had already made up their minds about the matter?
We see here evidence, not merely of a pattern of
events, but of a determined ongoing campaign.
already written in detail on these various church ordinations of women
pastors at the Sligo Church in Maryland (the home church of many General
Conference workers), at the La Sierra University Church, and elsewhere.
These incidents were carried out as a warning to Toronto, that worse
rebellions would occur if the delegates did not cave in on this issue.
far-reaching challenge to the world church on women’s ordination.
During the October 7-10, 1997 Year-end Meeting of the North American
church leaders, the "President’s Commission on Women in Ministry:
Report" was approved by a majority of those in attendance. We
published this astounding document earlier. (See NAD Women Pastors’
Document [WM–888-890]).
CREDENTIALS—Carefully timed as a warning to the delegates of the
June 29-July 8 Toronto Session: On March 16, the SECC Executive
Committee voted to immediately begin issuing "ordained-commissioned"
ministerial credentials equally to both men and women
pastors. That was done less than a month before more than 100 members of
the world church gathered at Silver Spring for the Spring Council! The
timing could not have been better!
The liberals have wanted four things for women:
(1) Their right to be elders and pastors and conduct weddings, communion
services, and baptisms. (2) Their reception of ministerial ordination.
(3) The issuing to them of ordination ministerial credentials (not
merely a license or commissioning papers). (4) Lastly, the right to
ordain elders and deacons, something that commissioned ministers cannot
By that second, sneak vote at the 1990 Indianapolis
Session, the liberals gained the first. (2) Beginning on September 23,
1995, certain local churches and the SECC have defiantly done the
second. (3) Now SECC will regularly be doing the third! (4) All SECC
women ministers will now be able to ordain elders and deacons.
This March 16 SECC action is a shot across the bow of
the forthcoming Session. The delegates are, by this, told that worse
will come if they do not yield to liberal demands. What might that
"worse" be? Perhaps a withholding of funds for the overseas
While the faithful are being persecuted for clinging
to historic Adventism, the petted liberals are increasingly in full
rebellion against church leaders.
In response, on April 13, North American Division
President, A. C. McClure, announced that the NAD did not approve of the
SECC action. —Yet its October 7-10, 1997, NAD Commission Report
called for exactly that which SECC did—and far more!
At the April 19-20 Spring Council, McClure reiterated
the NAD position, that the SECC had acted without its approval. But it
was obvious that church leaders, gathered from around the world, were
worried about what might happen next.
WHAT IS IN THIS GREAT BOOK?—Doug Jones, editor
of Focus, the Andrews University Alumni Journal, wrote this:
"The faculty in the Seminary are to be commended
for their earnest and critical exploration of women and Christian
ministry . . I encourage Focus readers to read Women in
Ministry with care as an important step in achieving
balance."—Doug Jones, Focus, Spring 1999, p. 5.
Just what is in this book, Women in Ministry,
which a General Conference vice-president says provides such
"skillful exegesis of Scripture," "liberating knowledge .
. [and] professional materials," and "a deeply spiritual,
highly reasoned, consistently logical approach to the issue of women’s
Women in Ministry contains some of the most
creative fables ever printed in an Adventist Church-sponsored
publication. Here are a few examples:
1 - God ordained Eve as a priest in the Garden of
Eden, when He clothed her with animal skins; therefore converted women
in our day should always be able to function as priests or pastors.
2 - God made man and woman totally equal; therefore
women can have the headship over men on every level of the Adventist
3 - New Testament passages which seem to preclude
women from headship in the home as husbands and fathers and in the
church as elders or pastors are temporary restrictions that applied only
to New Testament situations.
4 - "It is morally reprehensible to hold back
from women the one thing that formally recognizes their work within the
church." "It is imperative that the church act with justice,
with mercy, and with courage on behalf of its women."
5 - If this is not done, it will make God "look
bad," and we surely do not want that to happen. The church’s
rejection of women’s ordination will be an affront to the character of
God, even as slavery was in the nineteenth century.
6 - We must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit
who is calling us today to change our patterns of ministry to agree with
the needs of our modern, growing church.
7 - If the church does not do this, it will be
discredited in countries where it is wrong to "discriminate"
against women.
8 - The failure of the church to act in this matter
will cause "the forces of history" to take action [a veiled
The book, Women in Ministry, is a combination
of anbiguity; straw-man arguments; substantial leaps of logic; arguments
from silence; heavy speculation; questionable reinterpretations of the
Bible; distorted Biblical reasoning; misleading and erroneous claims
regarding Adventist history; a flawed concept of "moral
imperative"; and a peculiar view that the Holy Spirit leads the
ongoing progression of contemporary modernism.
It is likely that the women’s ordination problem
may be introduced at the Toronto Session, which will convene in a few
weeks. But that which the liberals do afterward may be even more
significant. We will try to faithfully report on developments. —vf