Jerusalem still not under Jewish Control

- Part 1
are generally two questions which have occupied the minds of some of our
1 - Should we go to
old Jerusalem? Is there something special about the place, or some
special event to take place there which should attract our notice?
"Then I was pointed
to some who are in the great error of believing that it is their duty to
go to old Jerusalem, and think they have a work to do there before the
Lord comes. Such a view is calculated to take the mind and interest from
the present work of the Lord, under the message of the third angel. ,
Satan was doing his utmost to lead the minds of the children of the Lord
into these things now, in the gathering time, to keep them from throwing
their whole interest into the present work of the Lord, and to cause
them to neglect the necessary preparation for the day of the Lord.
"-Early Writings, 75-76.
2 - Was the
retaking of Jerusalem by the Israelis in 1967 a fulfillment of prophecy,
that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount would once again be fully under the
control of the Jewish people?
One prophecy was that the
crown of governmental control would be removed from the Jewish people,
and never would it be restored-until He came, whose right it is.
"Thus saith the Lord
God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the
same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high,
"I will overturn,
overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until He come whose
right it is; and I will give it Him,"-Ezekiel 21 :26-27.
Another prophecy was
stated in a very strange way, yet, in the fore-knowledge of God, was
phrased perfectly.
"And Jerusalem shall
be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be
fulfilled," Luke 21:24,
Let us now consider the
meaning of this:
In chapter 3 of this
present book, you will travel along the 4,000-year history of the city
of Jerusalem and view its sometimes glorious, but often tortured,
After the Jews crucified Christ on Calvary, they were to be rewarded
with the destruction of their city. From AD. 31, onward, they would live
in doubt and fear down through the centuries, never able to attain their
ultimate goal: a return to control of the Temple Mount —and the
rebuilding of the Temple over the Dome of the Rock. Not until that
occurred could they once again have priests and offerings.
How was Christ to
foretell the future of that fated city? With what words could He frame a
onesentence statement which would describe the utter futility of the
Jewish hope of ever regaining Jerusalem and the Temple Mount before the
Second Advent?
Down through the
centuries which followed, at times
the Jews would appear near success. In AD. 135, it appeared that they
were about to rebuild their Temple, but they were stopped by Roman
During the Islamic and
Crusader conquests, they hoped to slip in and rebuild their Temple, but
were never able to do so, In 1948 when they retook western Palestine,
they came so near their objective, yet they had not retaken eastern
In 1967, it surely did
appear that, at last, they had achieved their goal—and God had let
them have the city again as a reward for their treachery against Christ.
But no, they were not
able to regain genuine governmental control of the Temple Mount; so all
their efforts have been for nought. Only Arabs can worship on it, and
Gentile visitors tread upon it in greater numbers than ever before in
history. And, by Israeli governmental edict, no Jew is permitted to open
his mouth and pray aloud on the sacred Mount!
So Jesus said it well,
and His prophecy spells the doom of all Jewish attempts to rebuild the
Temple on the sacred Mount and banish the Gentiles from treading on. But
when He comes, whose right it is, the land will be purified and the New
Jerusalem will never be trodden down by the profane and ungodly.
"And Jerusalem shall
be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be
fulfilled." Luke 21:24.
Do the Jews need
to return to Jerusalem? Should Seventh-day Adventists go there? Will
Christ set up an earthly kingdom there in the near future? Will the Jews
be key players in final events? Will events concerning Jerusalem affect
final events, prior to Christ’s Second Advent?
The Evangelicals say
that the Jews will be vindicated as God’s special people in the final
rapture crisis. The proof is that they have regained control of
Jerusalem. Houteff and his Davidians teach that they must return to
Jerusalem in the end-time; so, from there, they can rule the world. Some
Adventists teach that probation ended when the 1967 Six-day War took
place; so we do not need to do missionary work anymore.
Several months ago, the
present writer completed a small book, to be printed eventually, which
will clearly show that events, people, and places in the Near East
have not been the subject of Bible prophecy for several hundred years.
Never again will old
Jerusalem be a focal point of prophetic events—until, after the
millennium, Christ returns to
this earth and sets His feet on an adjacent hill, the Mount of Olives.
But Jerusalem is very
much in the news today. And all the news militates against the various
Christian theories about old Jerusalem. (Keep in mind that "old
Jerusalem" is the one on earth; the "New Jerusalem" is
the one in heaven, which, a thousand years from now, will come down from
out of the skies.)
All the theories,
whether Protestant, Jewish, or Adventist—require that the Jews regain
control of Jerusalem in these last days. That has not happened and will
never happen.
When they crucified
Christ and stoned Stephen, the account was closed on the Jewish people
as a group. The prophecy of Daniel 9:25-27 ended and the Jews are no
longer the special people of God. They were to be scattered through all
the nations till the end of time, and never again were they to regain
control of Jerusalem or all of the Holy Land.
The Jews
and Jerusalem
- Jerusalem Still Not Under Jewish Control [WM–974] Summarizing
the current situation.
2- maps not
on web article
3 - Jerusalem and
the Mount—Part 1-3 [WM–393-395] Complete 4,000-year history of
the city.
4 - Luke 21:24 and
Other Matters—Part 1-2 [WM–411-412] The prophecy of Luke 21:24
and when it will be fulfilled.
5 - Trying to Give
Jerusalem to the Vatican [WM–572] The offer by Israeli Foreign
Minister Perez, to let the Vatican take governmental control of
East Jerusalem.
6 - The Fall 1999
preparation of Davidians for the takeover of Jerusalem, resulting
in their ouster.
7 - Spirit of
Prophecy statements about old Jerusalem after A.D. 70. Interesting
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p&h / Two copies - $2.75 each, plus $1.50 p&h
What would it take for
the Jews to regain control of Jerusalem? Three things:
they would have to once again have supreme authority over the entire
city of Jerusalem. This has not happened in over two thousand years, and
it will never happen again. they
would have to once again have supreme authority over the entire city of
Jerusalem. This has not happened in over two thousand years, and it will
never happen again.
"Thus saith the
Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be
the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.
"I will overturn,
overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until He come whose
right it is; and I will give it Him."—Ezekiel 21:26-27.
The prophecy cannot be
changed. Israel lost Jerusalem in A.D. 70 because it slew Christ, and
the Lord has no intention of giving it back to them now. When "He
comes whose right it is," the New Jerusalem will be given to Him
and His people.
The land (Jerusalem
included) was always promised to them on condition of obedience to
God’s laws. Failing to do this, they lost the land. Take a concordance
and check all the promises to the patriarchs. They were all conditioned
on obedience, and the reward was always the land.
They lost part of the
land when the Assyrians conquered the northern kingdom of Samaria (2
Kings 18:9-10) in 722 B.C. (the first overturning), and they lost the
southern part and Jerusalem when the Babylonians took it (2 Kings
25:1-21) in 586 B.C., in the eleventh year of Zedekiah (the second
overturning). The final loss (Matthew 24:1-2) came in A.D. 70 (the third
overturning). (A small effort by the Jews to retake Jerusalem, in A.D.
135, did not amount to anything and was quickly put down.)
the Jews will not have regained control of Jerusalem until they have
supreme control over the Temple Mount.
Do not underrate this! In answer to questions as to why the Jews no
longer have the required animal sacrifices, the rabbis explain to their
people that they cannot do so until they can once again sacrifice them
in a restored Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. the
Jews will not have regained control of Jerusalem until they have supreme
control over the Temple Mount. Do
not underrate this! In answer to questions as to why the Jews no longer
have the required animal sacrifices, the rabbis explain to their people
that they cannot do so until they can once again sacrifice them in a
restored Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
But that will never
happen. Never again will they rebuild their Temple. Never again will
they offer the required animal sacrifices. All the rabbis can now do is
to instruct the faithful to kill a chicken at home once a year on
Passover evening, as the father waves it over the heads of the family,
prior to its being roasted and eaten. Until they regain control of the
Temple Mount,—the Jews cannot even have priests!
What is the holiest
place in the world for a Jew? It is no longer the Temple Mount, for that
is no longer theirs. They go to the base of the Temple Mount, before the
Wailing Wall (now called the Western Wall). Why do they not go up on top
and hold their religious services there? Because the Arabs, who control
it, would riot and slay them.
Recognizing their
helplessness in the situation, the highest governmental authority in
Israel decreed, after the Six-day War in 1967, that only the Arabs may
hold religious services on the Temple Mount and that all other Gentiles
may trample, day after day, over its once-sacred precincts. The only
churches up on top are Islamic ones,—where Mohammud, the man who hated
the God of Israel, is worshipped along with a false god.
I have seen an air view
of a hundred thousand Arabs kneeling on their faces before the Mosque of
Omar on the Temple Mount. You will see no Jews up there with them.
Instead, Jews stand
before an old rock wall, down at the base of the Temple Mount, while the
two Islamic mosques on top are—second only to the mosque in Mecca,
Saudi Arabia—the holiest place in the Islamic world. The Dome of
the Rock (also called the Mosque of Omar) is the large
golden-domed one. Just south of it is the Al Aqsa Mosque, from
whence, according to Islamic legend, Mohammed flew to heaven on a winged
horse. Every faithful Muslim wants to journey to Mecca once—and,
hopefully, to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem also,—so he can be assured
a place in heaven.
Every Muslim on the
globe is taught to come and fight in defense of either of these holy
places, if the call ever goes out.
What makes the Temple
Mount the second most sacred place in the world to the Muslim? That
legend about Mohammed taking flight to heaven from there.
And all the while, by
mutual agreement, the Jews stay off the Temple Mount. The Arabs have
their methods. One or two white robed ones can move close to a
worshiping Jew who is in the wrong place, and slip a knife from beneath
long robes into ribs; then walk away as the man crumples to the ground.
East Jerusalem
includes all of old Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount. This is
"Jerusalem the Golden," which, according to rabbinic
legend, is where God created Adam. This is Jerusalem where,
according to Biblical fact, Abraham took Isaac to Mount Moriah for
sacrifice. This is Jerusalem, where Christ was crucified and rose
from the dead. This is Jerusalem from whence, according to Islamic
legend, Mohammud flew to heaven on a winged horse. —But it is
still old Jerusalem, which has no Bible or Spirit of Prophecy
significance after A.D. 70.
For 2,000 years,
the Jews have cried, "Next year in Jerusalem!" But it
will never happen; they will never regain full control over it.
They have not really "returned" to governmental
authority over Jerusalem.
Jesus cut through all future
politics about whether the Jews would ever regain Jerusalem, when
He declared that the Gentiles would not cease from trampling upon
it. Christ’s prediction will continue true till the Second
Advent. |
the Gentiles must be kept from treading on the Temple Mount. It is an
abomination for Gentiles to stand on, or near, the holy place. Not even
Jewish women or children were permitted near it. the
Gentiles must be kept from treading on the Temple Mount.
The Bible says:
"And Jerusalem
shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles
be fulfilled."—Luke 21:24.
That is the carefully
worded prediction of Christ, and it is being fulfilled to the letter.
Jerusalem—all of it, including the Temple Mount—continues to be
trodden down by Gentiles. More foreign tourists tramp across its face
than ever occurred before in its 4,000-year history. This will continue
until Christ returns.
Intriguingly enough, the
Jews today excuse the fact that they are not permitted to worship on top
of the Temple Mount, by saying the opposite of what Christ said!
"The presence of
God is so strong [on the Temple Mount] that, according to Jewish halacha
(law), human beings are too impure to tread atop the Temple
Mount—until, that is, the End of Days and the coming of the Messiah.
So the devout [Jews] go [below] to the large Western Wall and to the
Kotel ha-Katan, or Little Wall."—Newsweek, July 24, 2000.
Their excuse is a
mammoth effort at self-deception, since tourists from all over the world
daily tramp all over the Temple Mount, and the worst people of all—the
Arabs who regularly kill Jewish people—are by Israeli law the only
group permitted to pray and worship on the Temple Mount!
Who are the
"Gentiles" of Luke 21:24?
The Greek word for this means "nations"; that is, all
non-Jewish races. Everyone not a Jew is a Gentile. This includes nearly
all the tourists from Europe and North America. It also includes all the
Muslims. Although descendants of Ishmael, they are not Jews! They are
Gentiles. The Greek word for this
means "nations"; that is, all non-Jewish races.
The Temple Mount was
overrun by Babylonians when they razed it in 586 B.C. Later, upon their
return, although they never again regained supreme authority over the
land, the Jews were permitted at various time to control access to the
Temple and its environs. But all this ended in A.D. 70—forever.
Never again will the
Jews be able to have the authority to say who can step on the Temple
Mount and who can not. The feet of the Gentiles have trodden upon it
from that day to this. Indeed, since the 1967 Six-day War, more Gentiles
than ever have been treading on the Temple Mount!
Although the Jews know
better than to visit it very often, a continual horde of Arabs and
tourists flock to the Dome of the Rock. In order to placate the
Western powers, the Israeli government decreed that people of all
religions could walk on the Temple Mount. Does that sound like the
treading of Gentile feet on its sacred precincts has stopped? When they
retook West Jerusalem in 1946, to placate the Western powers, the
Israelis declared that all portions of Jerusalem were
"internationalized." Does that sound like Jerusalem is really
The truth is this: There
is nothing sacred about the top of the Temple Mount anymore to
Protestants, Catholics, or Jews. It just represents where something used
to be, but no longer is.
What would happen if the
Jews tried to stop the treading of Gentile feet on the Temple Mount?
Every Muslim in the world would arise in warfare.
What would happen if the
Jews tried to rebuild the Temple, so they could once again proclaim that
they had truly returned to Jerusalem? A holy gihad would be
sounded; Israelis would be attacked by guns on land and missiles from
the air. (Five nearby Arab nations are loaded with advanced weaponry.)
Let us now turn our
attention to the current situation in regard to Jerusalem:
Right now, that city is in the
headlines, as the Jews and Arabs try to work out a plan for peace. Right
now, that city is in the headlines, as the Jews and Arabs try to work
out a plan for peace.
Here are several
significant facts:
The single most
controverted point, on which both sides refuse to yield, continues to be
the control of Jerusalem. The
Arabs demand total governmental control of all of East Jerusalem. East
Jerusalem includes the entire Temple Mount and lots of land north and
south of it. (The Arabs also demand everything east of Jerusalem.)
In the current peace
talks at Camp David, Maryland (July 2000), they have expressed a
willingness to let the Arabs have managerial control of portions of East
Jerusalem, including the top of the Temple Mount. (Interestingly enough,
one current news report disclosed that, by mutual agreement, the Arabs
have had that managerial control of portions of East Jerusalem for years
Both sides declare that
they will never yield on the point of who is to have supreme rule over
East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. —Yet Israel really does not have
it now, and has not had it for thousands of years.
In reality, there are
large sections in East Jerusalem where only Arabs live. Not only does
Israel not control much of East Jerusalem, they do not even live in most
of it.
You might be interested
in the inner workings of Palestinian leadership. Arafat has a terribly
corrupt government, which—both on the West Bank and Gaza Strip—is
continually stealing from its citizens, as well as siphoning off, for
personal use, funds from foreign powers to help the Palestinians. The
people know this and are tired of it,—yet the only thing that keeps
them from rebelling is Arafat’s continual efforts to grab more land
from the Israelis. When that is not happening, he must keep warfare
looming or taking place. Ultimately, when all that stops, Arafat will be
in serious trouble.
As for the Israelis,
they foolishly think that, by giving away more and more land, they will
achieve "a lasting peace." But peace will never come. The
objective of destroying Israel entirely is written into the Palestinian
constitution! Everyone knows
Grab more land, then
riot and demand more. On and on it will go till the end of time.
Listen not to those who
tell you that the Jews have returned to control Jerusalem and Palestine,
in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. They have not done so, and there is no
Bible prophecy saying they ever will. All favorable Bible prophecies
about the restoration of the promises to Israel are to spiritual Israel,
and will be fulfilled after the Third Advent, when the meek inherit the
earth. The God of heaven does not plan to reward the Jews for killing
His Son and never afterward repenting for having done so., and will be
fulfilled after the Third Advent, when the meek inherit the earth.
The Arabs want four
"The issues now on
the table stir deep passions on both sides: the status of Jerusalem,
claimed as a capital by both Israel and the Palestinians; the borders of
a future Palestinian state; the future of the Jewish settlements that
are now home to some 180,000 Israelis in the disputed West Bank; and the
fate of some 3.5 million Palestinian refugees seeking the right to
return to their homeland."—U.S. News and World Report, July
24, 2000.
Arabs want all of East Jerusalem, including all of the Temple Mount
(and even the Western Wall).
they want a Palestinian State which includes all of the West Bank, all
of Gaza Strip, and all of East Jerusalem.
"Arafat hasn’t
wavered from his unrealistic demand that Israel withdraw to its old June
4, 1967, border, that is, from all of the West Bank, Gaza and East
Jerusalem."—Newsweek, July 17, 2000.
want 180,000 Jews, living in West Bank territory, to abandon their nice
homes, ranches, farms, orchards, and condominiums—and get out
they want their own people to be able to return to any part of Israel
and permanently live there.
"If too many
Palestinian refugees are allowed back, the Jewish state could turn into
an ethnic nightmare, ‘a Bosnia,’ says an Israeli
The North fought the
South in the Civil War over issues far simpler than this. The South just
wanted to be left to itself;—it didn’t want half of Washington,
D.C., and rights for its citizens to live in northern states under
Southern sovereignty!
The stakes are high.
At the best,
"Israel must hand over, once and for all, hard-won land that Jews
have claimed since ancient times, giving the Palestinians a
quasi-state in its midst. The Palestinians, for their part, must
accept the bittersweet reality of permanent domination by Israel.
"But if the
summit breaks up without an accord, Newsweek has learned, both
sides are already preparing for a terrible new bloodletting by fall,
possibly an all-out guerrilla war that could set relations back to the
grim ’60s and ’70s. A third possibility is a partial accord that
resolves some final issues and puts off the conflict yet
Continual bickering,
rioting, warfare, and giving in by the Israelis will continue on down to
the end of time.
Three additional facts
bring the situation to an incendiary level:
the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox Jews) violently hate the Arabs and want to
burn down the Islamic temples on the Temple Mount. They have a very high
birth rate, and will constitute 40% of the Israeli nation by 2010. By
2025, they will have a clear voting majority.
The Waqf (the Palestinian authority which, by Israeli authorization,
today governs parts of East Jerusalem and all of the Temple Mount)
forbids a Jew to pray on top of the Mount, on pain of death.
anticipating a sudden attack by the Haredi to burn down the Islamic
temples on the Temple Mount, Muslims stand ready for instant action.
"[In 1967, the
Israelis] returned control of the site to the Muslim administration,
or Waqf. Many Muslims expect that one of the plots to attack the
mosques will eventually succeed; the Waqf forbids Jews to pray there.
‘The Jews will be asking for their end if they touch my mosque,’
says [a Palestinian shopkeeper]."—Newsweek, July 24, 2000.
Here is a brief history
of events from 1948 to the present time:
British mandate ends and the Israelis fight the Arabs. Israel gains the
western part of Palestine and the western part of Jerusalem. But
it does not have the Temple Mount. To placate the world powers, David
Ben-Gurion agrees to "internationalize" Jerusalem! So from the
very beginning of the Jewish State, they gave away control of Jerusalem.
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) is established with Yasir Arafat
(only 37 then) as its head. Its charter, made at that time, calls for
the total destruction of Israel and the retaking of all their territory.
the Six-day War, Israel captures the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East
Jerusalem, and starts building settlements in occupied areas.
Palestinian guerrillas launch attacks. Moshe Dayan immediately
ordered that no Jew could pray or worship on top of the Temple Mount,
and gave civil authority over the Temple Mount to the Arabs.
"When Israel
captured these holy places in 1967, an Israeli flag was hoisted atop
the Dome of the Rock. But Moshe Dayan, the Defense minister and
architect of Israel’s victory, ordered that the flag immediately be
removed . . Understanding that the area was a powder keg, Dayan
returned control of the site to the Muslim Administration, or Waqf."—Newsweek,
July 24, 2000.
Carter summits with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem begin at Camp David for 13 days. They sign the Camp
David accords, which requires Israel to give up the Sinai peninsula to
Egypt. To get them to sign the peace treaty, the U.S. agrees to pay both
nations a total of $3 billion a year. This yearly amount is still being
paid! It is just more "land for peace," with the Palestinians
never giving anything, and the U.S. paying heavily.
begin the intifada, an ongoing uprising against the Israeli
occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
September 13, 1993—After
secret talks at Oslo, Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin sign a "Declaration
of Principles" at the White House, requiring that each recognize
the other as a state. Territorial lines of potential agreement were
drawn on a map. Rabin was later slain by an Israeli for doing this.
nine grueling days, Arafat and Benjamin Netanyahu sign the Wye River
accords, requiring Israel to turn over yet more land in exchange for
security guarantees.
Later, the two sides set
September 13, 2000, as the target date when a final peace settlement
must be made. Arafat and his men plan to get everything they possibly
can, or return to intifada or an open war. Grab, never give, is
the motto.
July 2000—Back
to Camp David again, and Clinton is telling the nation that
"America will have to make a great sacrifice" in order to
achieve this peace (The offer of billions more in future yearly payments
is what brought the two leaders back to the U.S. for these
negotiations.) The Israelis offered to let the Palestinians fly their
flag over the Temple Mount, but Arafat confided in Clinton that if he,
Arafat, yielded the slightest in his demand for total return of the
Temple Mount and East Jerusalem to the Arabs,—he knew he would be
assassinated on his return home.
Late July 2000—The
Jews and Arabs begin more meetings. But both sides will refuse to yield
on supreme governmental authority over the Temple Mount.
"Arafat should be
able to count on billions in U.S. and international aid if a peace
deal comes through."—Ibid.
September 13, 2000—For
nearly a year, Arafat has said flatly that he will declare the West
Bank, Palestine, and East Jerusalem part of "the Palestine
State," if his demands are not met by September 13, 2000. Both
sides are already preparing for war.
"So difficult are
these problems that, even as Israel’s diplomats set off for the
peace mission in Washington [at Camp David], its generals were
readying for war back in Jerusalem. Newsweek has learned that
Israel is conducting exercises, including attacks on mock villages, to
prepare for possible combat by Palestinian guerrillas in the West Bank
and Gaza should Barak and Arafat fail.
Palestinians, meanwhile, are believed to have smuggled antitank
missiles [hidden] in through tunnels."—Newsweek, July 17,
The major Near East oil
nations are bankrolling the Syrians and Palestinians, enabling them to
acquire all the weapons they need. In addition, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi
Arabia, and Egypt have missile sites. Both Egypt and Iran have publicly
announced that the Palestinians must regain all of East Jerusalem.
If he decides to start a
war in September:
strategy may be to go for a quick UN-brokered cease-fire and then an
international peace conference. There Arafat might hope to win more
favorable terms."—Ibid.
Normally, Arafat could
be expected to keep on with lower-level riots, attacks, and suicide
bombers while continually extracting more land. But Arafat is now 70 and
in poor health. He may decide it is best to let a full-blown war begin.
That may turn public opinion in his favor. Then, when he retires, he
might otherwise have to face major graft charges in the Palestinian
As for the Israelis,
they have wanted to rebuild their Temple on the Temple Mount for
centuries. They still do. Nearly twenty years ago, I saw a diagram of
one of their architectural designs for it. But they cannot move ahead,
for they do not have the Temple Mount. —And, as long as it is not
really theirs, they do not have Jerusalem.
You can ignore the Evangelical and
Davidian claims that there are any prophecies about Jerusalem in the
last days. But remember Ezekiel 21:26-27, and the words of Christ
(Luke 21:24) that Jerusalem will remain a place defiled by all
nations. Not until Christ’s third advent will that defilement be
removed, when it finally becomes a "place purified" (read Great
Controversy, 662-663).
Part 2
Spirit of Prophecy
Statements about Jerusalem after A.D. 70
The first century
destruction of the city is discussed in detail in Great Controversy,
pp. 17-38.
What does Ellen White
say about old Jerusalem, after a Roman army under Titus destroyed it in
A.D. 70? Here are the statements:
Old Jerusalem has no
meaning for the people of God today:
"Then I was
pointed to some who are in the great error of believing that it is
their duty to go to Old Jerusalem, [see appendix] and think they have
a work to do there before the Lord comes. Such a view is calculated to
take the mind and interest from the present work of the Lord, under
the message of the third angel; for those who think that they are yet
to go to Jerusalem will have their minds there, and their means will
be withheld from the cause of present truth to get themselves and
others there. I saw that such a mission would accomplish no real good,
that it would take a long while to make a very few of the Jews believe
even in the first advent of Christ, much more to believe in His second
advent. I saw that Satan had greatly deceived some in this thing and
that souls all around them in this land could be helped by them and
led to keep the commandments of God, but they were leaving them to
perish. I also saw that Old Jerusalem never would be built up; and
that Satan was doing his utmost to lead the minds of the children of
the Lord into these things now, in the gathering time, to keep them
from throwing their whole interest into the present work of the Lord,
and to cause them to neglect the necessary preparation for the day of
the Lord."—Early Writings, 75-76.
Here is an appendix note
on the above statement:
"Page 75:
Duty to go to old Jerusalem.—Mrs. White refers to erroneous views then
held by a very few. The next year, in the Review and Herald of October
7, 1851, Jeames White writes of ‘the distracting, unprofitable views
relative to old Jerusalem and the Jews, etc., that are afloat at the
present time.’ and of ‘the strange notions that some have run into,
that the saints have yet to go to old Jeruslaem, etc., etc.’ "—Appendix
note, Early Writings, p. 300.
We should not even waste
our money traveling there to sightsee.
"Money has
been expended in sending men to Jerusalem, to see the place where Jesus
traveled and taught, when we have the precious Saviour nigh us, His
presence with us, and we may have a Jerusalem in our own houses and in
the churches. We can discern His fresh footsteps, we can eat His words
and have eternal life. We need more study, more earnest meditation and
communion with Christ. We need to listen for the still small voice, and
to rest by faith in the love of Christ. We should have a much more
healthful experience, and become much more vigorous Christians."—Testimonies
to Ministers, 345-346.
Unfortunately, we are
making large Jerusalem centers right here in America, far more than the
Adventists had back in Battle Creek.
was danger that Battle Creek would become as Jerusalem of old--a
powerful center. If we do not heed these warnings, the evils that ruined
Jerusalem will come upon us. Pride, self-exaltation, neglect of the
poor, and partiality to the wealthy--these were the sins of Jerusalem.
Today when large interests are built up in one place, the workers are
tempted to become lifted up in selfishness and pride. When they yield to
this temptation they are not laborers together with God. Instead of
seeking to increase our responsibilities in Battle Creek, we should
bravely and willingly divide the responsibilities
already there, distributing them to many places."—8
Testimonies, 133.
Old Jerusalem has
forever been rejected by Christ. Instead, He will land on the Mount of
Olives, when He returns the third time.
angel promised that, as He ascended, so He would return, and He
will return to the very same place, from whence He ascended (cf.
Desire of Ages, 830-831)
"With Jesus
at our head we all descended from the city
down to this earth, on a great and mighty mountain, which could not
bear Jesus up, and it parted asunder, and there was a mighty plain.
Then we looked up and saw the great city, with twelve foundations, and
twelve gates, three on each side, and an angel at each gate. We all
cried out, ‘The city, the great city, it's coming, it's coming down
from God out of heaven,’ and it came and settled on the place where
we stood."—Early Writings, 17.
"At the end of
one thousand years, Jesus, the king of glory, descends from the holy
city, clothed with brightness like the lightning, upon the mount of
olives--the same mount from whence he ascended after his resurrection.
As his feet touch the mountain, it parts asunder, and becomes a very
great plain, and is prepared for the reception of the holy city in
which is the paradise of God, the garden of Eden, which was taken up
after man's transgression. Now it descends with the city, more
beautiful, and gloriously adorned than when removed from the earth.
The city of God comes down and settles upon the mighty plain prepared
for it."—3 Spiritual Gifts, 83-84.
"At the close of
the thousand years, Christ again returns to the earth. He is
accompanied by the host of the redeemed and attended by a retinue of
angels. As He descends in terrific majesty He bids the wicked dead
arise to receive their doom. They come forth, a mighty host,
numberless as the sands of the sea. What a contrast to those who were
raised at the first resurrection! The righteous were clothed with
immortal youth and beauty. The wicked bear the traces of disease and
"Every eye in
that vast multitude is turned to behold the glory of the Son of God.
With one voice the wicked hosts exclaim: "Blessed is He that
cometh in the name of the Lord!" It is not love to Jesus that
inspires this utterance. The force of truth urges the words from
unwilling lips. As the wicked went into their graves, so they come
forth with the same enmity to Christ and the same spirit of rebellion.
They are to have no new probation in which to remedy the defects of
their past lives. Nothing would be gained by this. A lifetime of
transgression has not softened their hearts. A second probation, were
it given them, would be occupied as was the first in evading the
requirements of God and exciting rebellion against Him.
"Christ descends
upon the Mount of Olives, whence, after His resurrection, He ascended,
and where angels repeated the promise of His return. Says the prophet:
‘The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Thee.’ ‘And
His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is
before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in
the midst thereof, . . . and there shall be a very great valley.;
‘And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall
there be one Lord, and His name one.’ Zechariah 14:5, 4, 9. As the
New Jerusalem, in its dazzling splendor, comes down out of heaven, it
rests upon the place purified and made ready to receive it, and
Christ, with His people and the angels, enters the Holy City."—Great
PART 3- Jerusalem and the Mount